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Dusting the Keyboard

A few days have passed since my latest blog entry. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to write a few stories of my everyday life but college is quite exhaustive. I'm back to my old friends: calculus and physics. When you combine the two the amount of time left is pretty much laughable. Without taking into account the

Take A Look At This Monster.
Take A Look At This Monster.
other 4 subjects I'm talking. So as any other guy who enjoys playing video games (Personally I don't like the term "Gamer") I've devoted my spare time to games. Recently I bought Braid: everything the press said, true. The game is quite immersive and the time manipulation mechanic works perfectly so perfect I want to use it in my everyday life, especially when solving math problems. Rewinding time beats the hell out of erasing.


Tim I envy Thee.
Tim I envy Thee.
 Back to Braid, some of the puzzles found on the game are way too difficult but after a few minutes of quite reasoning everything falls into its place. I enjoyed picking up every single puzzle piece -the stars are a whole blog entry-, yes; I finished the game and find all the conspiracies surrounding the Manhattan Project quite interesting. Also I've been playing GWRE, CoD 4, GTA IV, Brawl and Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Oh, I played The Force Unleashed demo and think there is room for improvement, the apprentice doesn't feel like a character it’s more like a  moving block , at least that's the feeling I get when he 's slashing down his enemies, there is no emotion, but maybe that's just me nitpicking.

 I hope this week I have more free time as next week I start exams and not much time left to play or visit the site when you’re dealing with multiple integrals. Apart from that nothing interesting has happened in my life. Apart from the fact that I'm still bummed at the Olympics, don't get me wrong I like China and all but I think some of the events were tweaked towards China's benefit. 

See You Around,
