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 I like games, here is a list, It is written badly... sorry.

 Notable games that are missing 

I played an imported Bayonetta last year, I placed it at #4 in 2009. I did re-buy the game for the 360 (for a toy gun) and an incredible game was made far more incredible with a smooth framerate and menus that don't take a year to open. Bayonetta is one of the finest games ever made... you should probably play it.  Also missing is Heavy Rain, this was at the top of my list for the majority of the year and it truly is an experience like no other. I have thought long and hard about talking about the game but  Theres a ton of highly personal things attached to it for me and I cannot bring myself to really talk about the game detail... if you have a PS3 you should probably play it. Super Street Fighter IV. I put about 600ish hours into vanilla  and just burnt out on the game. I played it so much that by the time Super came around I just couldn't be bothered to learn to fight against the new characters with so many other games coming out. Super is an amazing game, just one I cannot bring myself to play. If you like fighting games... you should probably play it.

1. Red Dead Redemption

 Unknown to him  a bear torrent had opened up behind him.
 Unknown to him  a bear torrent had opened up behind him.

Ten hours in and i'm hunting a deer, for no reason in particular but I know one thing... That deer needs to die! Once I have finished up skinning my prey I come across some Mexicans about to execute someone on their knees, are they good? bad? who knows? I think I'm doing the right thing when I go into Matrix slo-mo bullet time and shoot all of the dudes with guns in the face. It turns out this was a negative action but that doesn't matter as I can just trot on by on my horse (that  occasionally just flies off into space or gets consumed by a piece of scenery) as someone whistles away on the soundtrack and the sun is setting like a perfect scene in one of your favourite westerns. And that's why I love this game, Red Dead Redemption nails the atmosphere perfectly. A game that does exactly what it sets out to do and that is to redeem John Marston of his criminal past.  Now the end missions are a love/hate kind of thing but personally  I cannot understand how anyone could be put off by a set of missions that show exactly why John would do all of the terrible things throughout the game. John does it all for love, his son, his wife, he just wants to be left in peace but the law will not allow him to go unpunished. The first big ending of the game is how you would expect a western to end, the hero going out in one last blaze of glory and what a beautiful ending, one of the finest endings for any  game in my opinion. I thought the game was brilliant while I was playing it but the ending  knocked it up a notch to stunning. From the moment John gets off of a train to the loud gunshots of revenge I was completely consumed by this world and it's brilliant characters. By far the best game I played all year.

2. Mass Effect 2 


 I totally has space sex with an alien dude... it was awesome.
 I totally has space sex with an alien dude... it was awesome.

Everything about Mass Effect 2 is better, the characters, the action, the setpieces. The opening sequence is amazing and everything leading up to the suicide mission is terribly exiting. I played through Mass Effect about seven times but in one playthrough of this I feel like I have far more of a connection to my squad than ever before. I dont want any of them to die... even the shit ones (Jack). Thane, one of the most beautifully written characters I have ever encountered in a game and my imported female shepard are sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g. Mordin is around to  make some weird jokes about science and Grunt is stomping about insulting everyone for being weak. I don't really know how to say what I want to about this game other than space is awesome and  Mass Effects world is so rich and complete, and with the amazing DLC being released only gets better and better. I cannot wait for the conclusion of this story, Shepards story... MY Shepards story.

3. Pac-Man Championship Edition DX




4. Super Meat Boy

 This is a big meat-man trying to kill a little meat-man... Meat is pretty good.   
This is a big meat-man trying to kill a little meat-man... Meat is pretty good.   


There was a point in late October when everyone was talking about how addictive, frustrating and fun this game was with it's fancy, sorta retro-modern soundtrack  so I played the demo, died a few times and said "All of you people are fucking idiots" quit and deleted it. Almost a couple of months later it's like 5am and i'm sitting bored, it just so happens that my bank details are stored inside the 360 and I need something to help me with my  horrible insomniac ways. I'm thinking about Prototype... £15 for prototype is  FAR too much..what else can I get... Super Meat Boy... He looks cute... That'll tide me over til tommorow. Six hours later and i'm still playing Meat Boy! I know what to do, I can do it, I did it before..want.more.bandages!!!! I have fallen in LOVE with Super Meat Boy! The game brilliantly forces you on with its brilliant lack of loading times and perfect control over jumps. Things that initially seem impossible become a breeze after a few minutes and if you can't do something, Try something else. So much freedom and very little to be annoyed by. I hear a lot of people say they swear a lot at the game but Meat Boy keeps me relatively calm. I get far more angry at other games  for being beaten by bullshit game mechanics  and other than  the Final  boss level (the one I am stuck on) I have never  felt like anything was at fault other than myself. That's pretty good going, 172 levels completed  so far and only one real misstep. I <3 Meat Boy as a character and the Chad boss outro is  so incredibly funny that i'm willing to forgive it completely. 
The music is also brilliant.

5. Vanquish.


There was this one moment where I rocket-leg boosted through a giant bipedal robots legs blasting away at its obligatory big yellow weak spots when I suddenly jumped to the side doing this cool anime-esque pose in slow-mo and shot a commie robot in the face,  whipped around and immediately rocket boost kicked another robot in the face. It was the moment that Vanquish clicked. This moment was relatively late in the game, I knew I liked it but Vanquish is a game that goes so fast that my appreciation of it couldn't catch up with it's blistering speed and style. A very Japanese game made  for the west  and doing everything it sets out to do almost perfectly. Vanquishes beauty isn't revealed until you play it in different ways. It can be played as a standard third person, cover based shooter similar to Gears (The wrong way) or speed around the arenas with tight as hell controls  getting up close and personal and dispatching enemies in slo-mo assisted style. (The right way) It's definitely not about the story and it's pretty short (Not as short as some would say) but there is no filler here, just a pure shot of wonderfully designed fun and definitely deserves to be played by more people.
It also features an NPC shouting" Dosvidanya bitches" whilst shooting robots in the face.

6. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

 press X  two or three  times then pull the left trigger... works every time.
 press X  two or three  times then pull the left trigger... works every time.

I like Platform games a lot but they seem to be a dying breed. Not the retro styled games like Meat Boy or Limbo but fully 3D platformers and if Castlevania is the closest i'm getting whilst I wait for a new Ratchet game then I sure as hell am gonna take it. That seems like a weird place to start when talking about a game like Castlevania as the first impression most if not all are going to get is that it's some kind of God of War clone, and that comparison only really fits to some degree. The moments that stuck with me far beyond the mostly slash-slash-roll combat are those when i'm leaping from platforms, swinging from my chain and shimmying across crumbling rocks, all whilst constantly being stunned by the beautiful  landscapes accompanied by  an amazing orchestral score. (possibly the best score this year) Castlevania is a pretty game that constantly keeps things fresh by changing up landscapes and adding new mechanics all the way up to the final few levels. The game is long, challenging and has great boss encounters with some really nice low camera angles and a slight handheld feel that really  makes the action come off as a lot more exciting than the button inputs you are pressing. I have a ridiculously long list of things I want to say about this game, it surprised me for a game I had almost no interest in for a large part of the year. The ending is great and genuinely touching helped very much by Robert Carlyles pretty restrained  performance and I'm now really looking forward to the dlc.
Patrick Stewart is awesome but oh man is his performance insanely over the top,  those loading screens were a little too overbearing sometimes.

7. Rock Band 3


 My band is called Untidy Goblin.
 My band is called Untidy Goblin.

The lack of people caring for this game is a shame but unfortunately It was to be expected. You can talk about how good Pro guitar, Keyboards and Drums are but I have zero interest in any of that, I LOVE Rock Band it gives me a reason to sing Sister Christian till my lungs explode and strive for meaningless challenges like get a bazillion big rock endings or whatever. I can see how some could be burnt out on the series but to someone  that has stuck with the DLC for a couple of years this really is the perfect upgrade. I haven't really done much of the keyboards, and as I said Pro mode really has very little appeal considering ive never even been bothered to progress beyond medium on some instruments. ( I prefer to sing)  Possibly the end point for the band-based, music rhythm games, It goes out on a high.

8. After Burner Climax


wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh200points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!missile, missile HUGE FUCKING RETICULE!<3<3<3<3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9. DJ Hero 2

 I have never been to a dancey type club so I am assuming this is what they look like in real life... just everyone is a little more like Gerry Anderson puppets.
 I have never been to a dancey type club so I am assuming this is what they look like in real life... just everyone is a little more like Gerry Anderson puppets.

Possibly the best experience I have ever had with playing a music rhythm game single player. Really engaging and a ton of things that make you feel like you have some influence over how the song plays out even if  you  have no real control over it. The heavier emphasis on eurodancey  and pop music is a little saddening after the first games  soul  and hip hop focus but theres so many high quality mixes in there it's hard to complain. Theres something about the games style and sounds that make me like the game, it's nice to have something fresh and new  stuck in your head when you  primarily listen to music with guitars.


10. Darksiders

           I like horses and I like fire so if a game has a horse on fire i'm probably going to be into it.  (Do not set fire to horses... thats not cool.)
           I like horses and I like fire so if a game has a horse on fire i'm probably going to be into it.  (Do not set fire to horses... thats not cool.)

Zelda with a horse on fire. Great acting, cool story and steals a ton of stuff...a ton of the right stuff from other games. that mixed with some really varied  environments a ton of  collectibles and some of the most beautiful artwork of any game that came out this year, cannot wait for the sequel.

Other opinions on other games that were released in the year 2010 


ilomilo - Fuck Yeah! this game is cool and possibly made by those kinds annoying people that are into felt animals and make music videos for twee indie pop bands, Brilliantly designed puzzles and  art and design  that is so "awwwwwwwwww" that you hate yourself for being completely in love with it, some absolutely brilliant music and one of the coolest and most original achievements I have ever seen in a game. The little band dudes are adorable also.... I pretend to do that little trumpet noise all the time when making cups of tea and doing other cute things like crochet mushrooms and make stop motion videos with tiny plasticine birds. 
 Alan Wake -  I flip-flopped forever about this games worthiness in my top 10, I really, really, really like Alan Wake but I know it has so many problems, the controls are a little off and the lip synching in the main game is not very good but it has a ton of personality and a brilliant atmosphere. The episodic structure really helps and the games pacing is spot on. It's funny and  despite Alan being a huge cock he is kinda likeable. Some amazing choices for songs in the game coupled with some great DLC both having standout moments and both highlighting different (and huge) problems with  some of the design decisions they made. I prefer the way the on disc game ends  a lot more than Alan finding himself in The Writer(spoiler) I'd like to see another game in the series  it has a very unique flavour to it, not quite survival horror, not quite  action-shooter and at points is incredibly witty.
     Assassins Creed: Brotherhood -  Very good, great ending a little bit too much AC2.5 ( I hate myself a little for saying that) but it really is very true. The Assassins you can call in are  fucking awesome but somewhere new (not modern) would be nice next time though.
Lego harry Potter: Years 1-4 -  As someone that really likes the Lego game formula I can  confidently say this is easily the best of the games TT have made, with much less reliance on combat and more on just magicing shit about. so much stuff to pop and smash, a brilliant  and very lengthy game.
Halo reach -  The best looking and best Online Halo game I have played. The campaign is good but nothing particularly special and the ending left me kinda cold. I played a ton of the multiplayer when it first came out and got relatively ok at it,  it was a lot of fun.
Bioshock 2 -  This game is cool, the story is better than expected  even if it wasn't neccessary and the music and art design is still very strong. I liked the characters and the tape recorders  lying around are still a ton of fun.  A big sisters scream is a terrifying thing.... shame she's such a pushover to kill.
Comic Jumper -  One of the funniest games ever made, not quite as brilliant as 'Splosion man as a lot of that games weirdness was unforseen but the Total Recall jokes and completely offensive Silver age sections are some of the best comedy writing in a game I have ever heard... also features one of the three best winnable avatar items out there, The giant smiley head!
Limbo -  It's pretty and clever and never quite fully goes beyond being anything more than a very good puzzle-platformer. the sound design and art is some of the best this year. I would say it is probably  my personal "best looking game of 2010"
Codblops -  I have like gun and dudes get shooted in the face +100... is fun.(like the last three times)
Lara croft and the Guardian of Light -  Now this game is great, very fun little game with some really good challenges, well worth it's price for the amount of content in the game. Much better than I would have ever expected.
Yakuza 3 - This game is ace, I'd love to have finished it but my PS3 died and is irrepairable so my save for it is lost, completely nuts and  fistfighting/stomping on randoms faces around tokyo never gets old. I may return to it if I ever get another console.
Dead Rising 2 -  I adore the first game and the refinements to the formula in DR2 are kinda cool. Something really needs to be done about the psychopaths next time though. Combo weapons are fantastically nasty. 

  End bit.

Thats that I guess, well done if you read it all and struggled through my terrible sentencing  and over excitement at   ghost trains and  fast planes. I got Super Scribblenauts and Sonic Colours for christmas and theyre both incredibly good from what little I have played but don't feel confident enough to add them to any list of any kind. I do love videogames and 2010 has had so many good ones, more than  I was ever expecting and I am really excited  for both 2011 and   finally getting around to buying a brand new PS3. 
Stop typing!!! efjl;hwerpidfkliv jklgbio;


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Reviews: 1

User Lists: 10

Edited By GunstarRed

 I like games, here is a list, It is written badly... sorry.

 Notable games that are missing 

I played an imported Bayonetta last year, I placed it at #4 in 2009. I did re-buy the game for the 360 (for a toy gun) and an incredible game was made far more incredible with a smooth framerate and menus that don't take a year to open. Bayonetta is one of the finest games ever made... you should probably play it.  Also missing is Heavy Rain, this was at the top of my list for the majority of the year and it truly is an experience like no other. I have thought long and hard about talking about the game but  Theres a ton of highly personal things attached to it for me and I cannot bring myself to really talk about the game detail... if you have a PS3 you should probably play it. Super Street Fighter IV. I put about 600ish hours into vanilla  and just burnt out on the game. I played it so much that by the time Super came around I just couldn't be bothered to learn to fight against the new characters with so many other games coming out. Super is an amazing game, just one I cannot bring myself to play. If you like fighting games... you should probably play it.

1. Red Dead Redemption

 Unknown to him  a bear torrent had opened up behind him.
 Unknown to him  a bear torrent had opened up behind him.

Ten hours in and i'm hunting a deer, for no reason in particular but I know one thing... That deer needs to die! Once I have finished up skinning my prey I come across some Mexicans about to execute someone on their knees, are they good? bad? who knows? I think I'm doing the right thing when I go into Matrix slo-mo bullet time and shoot all of the dudes with guns in the face. It turns out this was a negative action but that doesn't matter as I can just trot on by on my horse (that  occasionally just flies off into space or gets consumed by a piece of scenery) as someone whistles away on the soundtrack and the sun is setting like a perfect scene in one of your favourite westerns. And that's why I love this game, Red Dead Redemption nails the atmosphere perfectly. A game that does exactly what it sets out to do and that is to redeem John Marston of his criminal past.  Now the end missions are a love/hate kind of thing but personally  I cannot understand how anyone could be put off by a set of missions that show exactly why John would do all of the terrible things throughout the game. John does it all for love, his son, his wife, he just wants to be left in peace but the law will not allow him to go unpunished. The first big ending of the game is how you would expect a western to end, the hero going out in one last blaze of glory and what a beautiful ending, one of the finest endings for any  game in my opinion. I thought the game was brilliant while I was playing it but the ending  knocked it up a notch to stunning. From the moment John gets off of a train to the loud gunshots of revenge I was completely consumed by this world and it's brilliant characters. By far the best game I played all year.

2. Mass Effect 2 


 I totally has space sex with an alien dude... it was awesome.
 I totally has space sex with an alien dude... it was awesome.

Everything about Mass Effect 2 is better, the characters, the action, the setpieces. The opening sequence is amazing and everything leading up to the suicide mission is terribly exiting. I played through Mass Effect about seven times but in one playthrough of this I feel like I have far more of a connection to my squad than ever before. I dont want any of them to die... even the shit ones (Jack). Thane, one of the most beautifully written characters I have ever encountered in a game and my imported female shepard are sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g. Mordin is around to  make some weird jokes about science and Grunt is stomping about insulting everyone for being weak. I don't really know how to say what I want to about this game other than space is awesome and  Mass Effects world is so rich and complete, and with the amazing DLC being released only gets better and better. I cannot wait for the conclusion of this story, Shepards story... MY Shepards story.

3. Pac-Man Championship Edition DX




4. Super Meat Boy

 This is a big meat-man trying to kill a little meat-man... Meat is pretty good.   
This is a big meat-man trying to kill a little meat-man... Meat is pretty good.   


There was a point in late October when everyone was talking about how addictive, frustrating and fun this game was with it's fancy, sorta retro-modern soundtrack  so I played the demo, died a few times and said "All of you people are fucking idiots" quit and deleted it. Almost a couple of months later it's like 5am and i'm sitting bored, it just so happens that my bank details are stored inside the 360 and I need something to help me with my  horrible insomniac ways. I'm thinking about Prototype... £15 for prototype is  FAR too much..what else can I get... Super Meat Boy... He looks cute... That'll tide me over til tommorow. Six hours later and i'm still playing Meat Boy! I know what to do, I can do it, I did it before..want.more.bandages!!!! I have fallen in LOVE with Super Meat Boy! The game brilliantly forces you on with its brilliant lack of loading times and perfect control over jumps. Things that initially seem impossible become a breeze after a few minutes and if you can't do something, Try something else. So much freedom and very little to be annoyed by. I hear a lot of people say they swear a lot at the game but Meat Boy keeps me relatively calm. I get far more angry at other games  for being beaten by bullshit game mechanics  and other than  the Final  boss level (the one I am stuck on) I have never  felt like anything was at fault other than myself. That's pretty good going, 172 levels completed  so far and only one real misstep. I <3 Meat Boy as a character and the Chad boss outro is  so incredibly funny that i'm willing to forgive it completely. 
The music is also brilliant.

5. Vanquish.


There was this one moment where I rocket-leg boosted through a giant bipedal robots legs blasting away at its obligatory big yellow weak spots when I suddenly jumped to the side doing this cool anime-esque pose in slow-mo and shot a commie robot in the face,  whipped around and immediately rocket boost kicked another robot in the face. It was the moment that Vanquish clicked. This moment was relatively late in the game, I knew I liked it but Vanquish is a game that goes so fast that my appreciation of it couldn't catch up with it's blistering speed and style. A very Japanese game made  for the west  and doing everything it sets out to do almost perfectly. Vanquishes beauty isn't revealed until you play it in different ways. It can be played as a standard third person, cover based shooter similar to Gears (The wrong way) or speed around the arenas with tight as hell controls  getting up close and personal and dispatching enemies in slo-mo assisted style. (The right way) It's definitely not about the story and it's pretty short (Not as short as some would say) but there is no filler here, just a pure shot of wonderfully designed fun and definitely deserves to be played by more people.
It also features an NPC shouting" Dosvidanya bitches" whilst shooting robots in the face.

6. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

 press X  two or three  times then pull the left trigger... works every time.
 press X  two or three  times then pull the left trigger... works every time.

I like Platform games a lot but they seem to be a dying breed. Not the retro styled games like Meat Boy or Limbo but fully 3D platformers and if Castlevania is the closest i'm getting whilst I wait for a new Ratchet game then I sure as hell am gonna take it. That seems like a weird place to start when talking about a game like Castlevania as the first impression most if not all are going to get is that it's some kind of God of War clone, and that comparison only really fits to some degree. The moments that stuck with me far beyond the mostly slash-slash-roll combat are those when i'm leaping from platforms, swinging from my chain and shimmying across crumbling rocks, all whilst constantly being stunned by the beautiful  landscapes accompanied by  an amazing orchestral score. (possibly the best score this year) Castlevania is a pretty game that constantly keeps things fresh by changing up landscapes and adding new mechanics all the way up to the final few levels. The game is long, challenging and has great boss encounters with some really nice low camera angles and a slight handheld feel that really  makes the action come off as a lot more exciting than the button inputs you are pressing. I have a ridiculously long list of things I want to say about this game, it surprised me for a game I had almost no interest in for a large part of the year. The ending is great and genuinely touching helped very much by Robert Carlyles pretty restrained  performance and I'm now really looking forward to the dlc.
Patrick Stewart is awesome but oh man is his performance insanely over the top,  those loading screens were a little too overbearing sometimes.

7. Rock Band 3


 My band is called Untidy Goblin.
 My band is called Untidy Goblin.

The lack of people caring for this game is a shame but unfortunately It was to be expected. You can talk about how good Pro guitar, Keyboards and Drums are but I have zero interest in any of that, I LOVE Rock Band it gives me a reason to sing Sister Christian till my lungs explode and strive for meaningless challenges like get a bazillion big rock endings or whatever. I can see how some could be burnt out on the series but to someone  that has stuck with the DLC for a couple of years this really is the perfect upgrade. I haven't really done much of the keyboards, and as I said Pro mode really has very little appeal considering ive never even been bothered to progress beyond medium on some instruments. ( I prefer to sing)  Possibly the end point for the band-based, music rhythm games, It goes out on a high.

8. After Burner Climax


wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh200points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!missile, missile HUGE FUCKING RETICULE!<3<3<3<3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9. DJ Hero 2

 I have never been to a dancey type club so I am assuming this is what they look like in real life... just everyone is a little more like Gerry Anderson puppets.
 I have never been to a dancey type club so I am assuming this is what they look like in real life... just everyone is a little more like Gerry Anderson puppets.

Possibly the best experience I have ever had with playing a music rhythm game single player. Really engaging and a ton of things that make you feel like you have some influence over how the song plays out even if  you  have no real control over it. The heavier emphasis on eurodancey  and pop music is a little saddening after the first games  soul  and hip hop focus but theres so many high quality mixes in there it's hard to complain. Theres something about the games style and sounds that make me like the game, it's nice to have something fresh and new  stuck in your head when you  primarily listen to music with guitars.


10. Darksiders

           I like horses and I like fire so if a game has a horse on fire i'm probably going to be into it.  (Do not set fire to horses... thats not cool.)
           I like horses and I like fire so if a game has a horse on fire i'm probably going to be into it.  (Do not set fire to horses... thats not cool.)

Zelda with a horse on fire. Great acting, cool story and steals a ton of stuff...a ton of the right stuff from other games. that mixed with some really varied  environments a ton of  collectibles and some of the most beautiful artwork of any game that came out this year, cannot wait for the sequel.

Other opinions on other games that were released in the year 2010 


ilomilo - Fuck Yeah! this game is cool and possibly made by those kinds annoying people that are into felt animals and make music videos for twee indie pop bands, Brilliantly designed puzzles and  art and design  that is so "awwwwwwwwww" that you hate yourself for being completely in love with it, some absolutely brilliant music and one of the coolest and most original achievements I have ever seen in a game. The little band dudes are adorable also.... I pretend to do that little trumpet noise all the time when making cups of tea and doing other cute things like crochet mushrooms and make stop motion videos with tiny plasticine birds. 
 Alan Wake -  I flip-flopped forever about this games worthiness in my top 10, I really, really, really like Alan Wake but I know it has so many problems, the controls are a little off and the lip synching in the main game is not very good but it has a ton of personality and a brilliant atmosphere. The episodic structure really helps and the games pacing is spot on. It's funny and  despite Alan being a huge cock he is kinda likeable. Some amazing choices for songs in the game coupled with some great DLC both having standout moments and both highlighting different (and huge) problems with  some of the design decisions they made. I prefer the way the on disc game ends  a lot more than Alan finding himself in The Writer(spoiler) I'd like to see another game in the series  it has a very unique flavour to it, not quite survival horror, not quite  action-shooter and at points is incredibly witty.
     Assassins Creed: Brotherhood -  Very good, great ending a little bit too much AC2.5 ( I hate myself a little for saying that) but it really is very true. The Assassins you can call in are  fucking awesome but somewhere new (not modern) would be nice next time though.
Lego harry Potter: Years 1-4 -  As someone that really likes the Lego game formula I can  confidently say this is easily the best of the games TT have made, with much less reliance on combat and more on just magicing shit about. so much stuff to pop and smash, a brilliant  and very lengthy game.
Halo reach -  The best looking and best Online Halo game I have played. The campaign is good but nothing particularly special and the ending left me kinda cold. I played a ton of the multiplayer when it first came out and got relatively ok at it,  it was a lot of fun.
Bioshock 2 -  This game is cool, the story is better than expected  even if it wasn't neccessary and the music and art design is still very strong. I liked the characters and the tape recorders  lying around are still a ton of fun.  A big sisters scream is a terrifying thing.... shame she's such a pushover to kill.
Comic Jumper -  One of the funniest games ever made, not quite as brilliant as 'Splosion man as a lot of that games weirdness was unforseen but the Total Recall jokes and completely offensive Silver age sections are some of the best comedy writing in a game I have ever heard... also features one of the three best winnable avatar items out there, The giant smiley head!
Limbo -  It's pretty and clever and never quite fully goes beyond being anything more than a very good puzzle-platformer. the sound design and art is some of the best this year. I would say it is probably  my personal "best looking game of 2010"
Codblops -  I have like gun and dudes get shooted in the face +100... is fun.(like the last three times)
Lara croft and the Guardian of Light -  Now this game is great, very fun little game with some really good challenges, well worth it's price for the amount of content in the game. Much better than I would have ever expected.
Yakuza 3 - This game is ace, I'd love to have finished it but my PS3 died and is irrepairable so my save for it is lost, completely nuts and  fistfighting/stomping on randoms faces around tokyo never gets old. I may return to it if I ever get another console.
Dead Rising 2 -  I adore the first game and the refinements to the formula in DR2 are kinda cool. Something really needs to be done about the psychopaths next time though. Combo weapons are fantastically nasty. 

  End bit.

Thats that I guess, well done if you read it all and struggled through my terrible sentencing  and over excitement at   ghost trains and  fast planes. I got Super Scribblenauts and Sonic Colours for christmas and theyre both incredibly good from what little I have played but don't feel confident enough to add them to any list of any kind. I do love videogames and 2010 has had so many good ones, more than  I was ever expecting and I am really excited  for both 2011 and   finally getting around to buying a brand new PS3. 
Stop typing!!! efjl;hwerpidfkliv jklgbio;