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Why i quit World of Warcraft.

World of Warcraft was the best, unforgivingly addicting game i had ever played. I poured every second i was at home into this game UNTIL... Yes until they annouced that all the time and effort i spent getting all of the emblems of heroism (and emblems of VALOR even) were all a big ass waste of time. This was because all those emblems of conquest that you could only get from going to Ulduar were now available from every heroic dungeon. As urked as i was from this, i continued playing at the request of the many online vent friendships i developed. BUT, and notice that It's a big BUT, after grinding through the same dungeons as before AGAIN to get the best gear possible to get to the new content to get those emblems of triumph it was only thrown back in my face ONCE AGAIN by blizzard by making THOSE EMBLEMS I STRUGGLED TO GET available by doing the SAME FUCKING HEROICS I've done COUNTLESS TIMES. The night i heard about this i told all my friends and guildies that I'm sorry but i really can't deal with this anymore. I'ts great that Blizzard wants the newer people to see the new content sooner but punishing the long time players to do so is a piss poor way to do it. It really set the bar lower for me with Blizzard and even made me less interested in buying Diablo III once it's released. I have a special place in my heart for Diablo II and i would hate for it to be destroyed by Blizzard's $15 per month money hungry fan raping industry as its become.