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A long sorted tale, now in blog form.

I bet all three of you are wondering, "Why is Bunch of Capes on comicvine" or "Why does this piece of crap exist?" Well, do I have a harrowing tale for you! 

In late 2006, the five pages you've all read were completed and hanging around. I was offered a job at the college I work at now teaching comic book formatting as a non-credit class. I took the job and got Matt Jordan, artist of the book, involved by teaching the art section of the class, while I taught the writing portion. We handed out those pages to students to show them what a finished product looked like, and how easy it is to complete 5 pages in under 10 weeks. Motivation for the class. We were contacted shortly by a small publishing company in the Chicago burbs about putting the BOCU into three 90-page trades. I had most of the scripts done, and I had passed half of them off to the owner of the publishing company, a pretty good artist, and we had a deadline of March for the book.  
March is when it would be printed up and whatnot, then put in Previews (the book must be finished and printed 4 months before release for distribution by Diamond). So, November & December go by no problem, the publisher and I are keeping in contact, but he still hasn't shown me anything. I'm a little leary and tell MJ to slow down no the work, the guy seems fishy. We have this big meeting in January: Myself, MJ, Skeggs (our original colorist), the publisher, and his friend who apparently, without our consent, was doing some of the pages.... And he had no formal art training.... it showed. So, I was a little pissed and began chugging down Guinness after Guinness and smoking all of my cigs. We talked about where the story was going and distribution. Apparently, he's never worked closely with Diamond Distribution. I told him not to worry, I can handle that, it's not hard. He then asked me how much I was willing to pay on production, my jaw dropped.  
I explained he was the publisher, he was supposed to have a printing company ready to go, and pay for it out of his pocket since we wouldn't be seeing a dime of the first trade money right away. (After the publisher was paid off, we'd do a split) The guy wanted us to pay for everything, and then market and do all the distribution work. Clearly, he was a moron. We parted ways pretty quickly and I ended the agreement by never calling him back, douchbag didn't even deserve a phone call, nor did he ever cal me. He must have felt the same way. Matt & I began working on our folklore book, The Wrath of Nature" and my noir crime story "My Own Worst Enemy" (that is what is was called before NBC ganked my title).  
MJ had to leave BOC because of the work he was doing for Ape Entertainment, and I was on the hunt for a new artist. I worked with roughly 10 different artists on BOC before calling it quits. Every artist either gave up real quickly, wanted money, or was too busy.