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  • Hawkens posted a message on the post Mass Effect 3 - Part 10.

    I am so pumped for next week!The climax of things on Tuchanka is very high on the list of being one of my most favorite and most impactful gaming moments so far of any game I've ever played. I'm supe...

  • Hawkens posted a message on the post Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

    I find it funny how much Dan hates Claude as I immediately loved him - always go for the charm! Golden Deer for sure!

  • Hawkens posted a message on the post Mass Effect 2 - Part 24.

    @jarp12: I guess you paid even less attention to her than I did!

  • Hawkens posted a message on the post Episode 07.

    My favorite highlight was them getting to pick up the truck and Vinny climbing the fence and faceplanting followed shortly by Dan climbing the fence and seeing him faceplant on Vinny's POV while Vinny...

  • Hawkens posted a message on the post Game of the Year 2018: Day Five Deliberations.

    @stradalemc: Just now listening to this and I have to completely disagree. I think Vinny was rightfully annoyed at Brad and Alex both saying their top 3 most disappointing has to be the top 3 and they...

  • Hawkens posted a message on the post Dan & Jeff's Secret E3 2019 Meeting Room & Show Floor Tour.

    As someone who has never gone to E3 this was fun, I always enjoy show floor tours, so thank you for this!Also any time we get to have Dan and Jeff together is a plus. I adore GBeast and the dynamics t...

  • Hawkens posted a message on the post Episode 03.

    @manglup: I'm sorry you feel that way because I love Dan's inventive hijinks. He always keeps things entertaining. My favorite GB content lately always involves him, especially him and Vinny.I really ...

  • Hawkens posted a message on the post Episode 2.

    "Quit being inside me" - Dan Ryckert, 2019

  • Hawkens posted a message on the post Episode 02.

    I watched Vinny's landing 3 times and haven't laughed so hard in a long long time. The entire last bit of this was amazing! Thank you so much for all the time and energy you all put into this, it's so...

  • Hawkens followed Giant Bomb Sea Beasts .
  • Hawkens posted a message on the post Episode 1.

    I'm not particularly interested in this game but in true GBE fashion it was still extremely extremely entertaining to watch. I love how perfectly you all balance each other out. All my favorite conten...

  • Hawkens followed Giant Bomb Crime Crew .
  • Hawkens posted a message on the post Mass Effect 2 - Part 15.

    If the comment opinions matter I totally would like to see you do the Garrus romance too, Alex! All of them are good here but Garrus, especially in ME3 (if it goes that way) is by far my favorite vide...