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#1  Edited By haydenshafer

Ms. Norman, 
First off, Lair of the Shadow Broker is the standout, best sequence in all of ME2. The battles were engaging, providing a full spectrum of mechs, vanguards, heavies, and engineers to take on. I always like it when a variety of enemies are present; it helps keep my strategy on its toes. 
I played through on Veteran as an Adept with Garrus and Tali for the first part, and then Garrus and Liara. 
Stasis was a great power in ME1, so I was thrilled when I saw it on the squad screen for the first time. I found it very helpful in dealing with the rocket drones while Garrus' Overload was recharging. It really provided lots of new options for dealing with high-shielded/armored/barriered enemies. For instance, I used it on the Asari Spectre boss fight to slow her down while my Warp recharged. I could already tell that this was going to help me later on when fighting Harbinger drones. 
Thank you for including Liara as a squadmate. I'm sure that was a ton of work, but I really appreciate it.