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Top 10 games of 2012

Top 10 games of 2012. Honorable mentions that didn't make the list are Dragon's Dogma and Diablo 3. Games that could possibly make the list but I didn't get around to playing are: Fez, Mass Effect 3, Sleeping Dogs

List items

  • I can't really put a finger on it, but something about Torchlight 2 was amazing. It's probably the lack of a good dungeon crawler for years, or maybe the very fast flow of combat, but whatever it was it had me hooked. A well crafted, refined game through and through.

  • Rockstar has set a new bar for video game writing, good luck to others in trying to achieve the same level of quality. The story and art direction are gritty and visceral, complimenting the none stop in your face violence. Gripping, fun, old school mechanics come together to make something very special.

  • Surreal, artistic, emotional, beautiful, gripping. Something fresh, bold, and progressive for the industry. Other developers are probably jealous.

  • One of the most relevant stealth games to come out in years. This is how you make a refined stealth game. At no point did I ever blame the game for its inconsistencies in altering enemies, which is quite a rare feat to achieve. Also, whoever thought that it could have been pulled off so well in 2D?

  • A complex philosophical story in the shootem up genre is a nice change of pace for the tired and exhausted genre. Great implementation of mechanics making the gameplay interesting and great for leaderboard runs.

  • A video game for video gamers. Sometimes we forget what videogames are, getting lost in making them more like movies, trying to make economies out of games, etc. Lollipop Chainsaw reminds us of our roots and why we love games in the first place.

  • Raw, fresh, hot shit, gritty, psychedelic. What kind of game is this? A murder mystery top down action puzzle game? Genre bending with a bangin' soundtrack. An experience that cannot be missed!

  • The best 3D stealth game of the year (because Mark of the Ninja is the best 2D). One of the most remarkable things about Dishonored is making a believable city and allowing you to traverse it at your discretion. Truly an experience not to be missed.

  • I didn't think I was going to like Darksiders 2 as much as I did. The score, the new RPG elements, the art direction, puzzles, voice acting, and gameplay come together to deliver a very enjoyable game.

  • This game out of no where for me. Seeing as I hold a great distaste for Far Cry 2 I did not think I would like three, however this was not the case because they fixed many things that made two a bad experience. Somehow they managed to create an island so beautiful that it begged to be explored. An engaging story, animal hunting, and great villains were some of the highlights.