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Big monsters

Here we go again
Here we go again
I have a problem with big monsters in FPS games. You know, the big ones that requires several thousands hits before they will die. The reason why I'm mentioning this is because a recently saw a video presentation of Legendary. At the end of the video the player had to kill a griffin by shooting hundreds upon hundreds of bullets at it. *Yawn* Mindless shooting and running in circles has gotten boring. I want big monster that can kill me easily and requires me to do some thinking to defeat it. Like the big Gargantua in Half life that you killed by luring it close to high voltage electricity. Figuring out how to kill it was more fun than just shooting at it.

Maybe I wouldn't mind the big monster so much if I could see if my hits made damage. That would leave me less confused about if I'm suppose to kill the monster or just avoid it. I would love to see the monster getting bullet wounds, it feels so unreal when they don't. Especially now when the environment has gotten to be more and more destructible. I understand that it might be hard to code (and earlier hardware wouldn't allow it), but a simple health bar above its head would help. Yes, I know, some FPS does this, but many don't.

In conclusion, please challenge me by other means than just throwing out a bigger enemy with more hit points for me to shoot at.


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Edited By henrik_zwomp
Here we go again
Here we go again
I have a problem with big monsters in FPS games. You know, the big ones that requires several thousands hits before they will die. The reason why I'm mentioning this is because a recently saw a video presentation of Legendary. At the end of the video the player had to kill a griffin by shooting hundreds upon hundreds of bullets at it. *Yawn* Mindless shooting and running in circles has gotten boring. I want big monster that can kill me easily and requires me to do some thinking to defeat it. Like the big Gargantua in Half life that you killed by luring it close to high voltage electricity. Figuring out how to kill it was more fun than just shooting at it.

Maybe I wouldn't mind the big monster so much if I could see if my hits made damage. That would leave me less confused about if I'm suppose to kill the monster or just avoid it. I would love to see the monster getting bullet wounds, it feels so unreal when they don't. Especially now when the environment has gotten to be more and more destructible. I understand that it might be hard to code (and earlier hardware wouldn't allow it), but a simple health bar above its head would help. Yes, I know, some FPS does this, but many don't.

In conclusion, please challenge me by other means than just throwing out a bigger enemy with more hit points for me to shoot at.