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No Mans Sky apologists on Episode 442 of the Bombcast

Let me start with I haven't had time to play it yet (buying it on PC). I am always online, but I know a couple people who aren't online and to have them buy this game to get what's on the disk is just shitty.

No Mans Sky was launched not finished, I’m sorry but if there is a physical disk for an “offline” game it should come complete, or at least 90%. If you want to make it this living thing on a console it should have never been billed as an “offline” game. It’s like Call of Duty (another $60 game) shipping with 3/4 of the single player missing and patching in another 1/4 of the game day one, with more to come. I don’t think anyone there would give that a pass. I don't care the size of the Dev team (that shouldn't matter), both games cost $60 both had high billing by Sony.

I think it’s really shitty on the last podcast most everyone seemed to be so giving this game a pass. This should be unacceptable today, unless the game was online only or only sold digital as a pre-release game. With how much they want to add I feel for those getting 1/4 the game on disk and wondering WTF why is everyone talking this up so much.


Quest Post

Ok, didn't think I would do this but, I have to had it to the quest system. I am actually making a blog post. Who knows maybe more to come.