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Bwooduhs's List of the Best Games that didn't make my Top 10 List

I'm writing ths because last week while writing my Top 10 Games of 2009( Here) I realised i had left out some pretty notable games from my list. So here they are: 

Brutal Legend

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I loved Brutal Legend. The only problem is the parts i loved weren't the actual game. The story, characters and setting we're all brilliant but the wierd RTS gameplay just wasn't good. It was frustrating and clunky. This is why it's not one of the best 'games' of the year.

Killzone 2

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I just didnt find the game that enjoyable. Visually it was fantastic but the controls were just awkward and the story was trash.


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The only reason this wasn't on my list is because i didnt play it. It just got lost in the shuffle for me. But i do fully intend on picking it up next year.

Halo 3: ODST

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  I liked Firefight mode but the rest of the  game was not worth the money i paid. Not to mention i've just never been a huge Halo Fan.

Street Fighter IV

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  Im just absolute mud at fighting games so I had no interest at all in this. Don't hate me.

Resident Evil 5

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I couldn't even get past the first level of this. If i remember correctly i got angry because i ran out of ammo so i turned it off and never picked it up again. The archaic control system didn't help either.

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

NA Box Art (Official)
NA Box Art (Official)
I just didn't get to play this because I don't have a Wii.