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An A-movie pitch, for B Movie Mogul

So, IGN and "Syfy" have, in their inept stupidity, created a website/contest where people can pitch a Syfy movie plot to them, and other people can vote on them, and the "winner" gets made.

With this in mind, I think I've come up with a brilliant pitch. Here goes:

We meet a nerdy kid in 1995. He's obsessed with a tv channel, let's call it the "Scifi Network". On this network are old/weird movies, occasional Twilight Zone marathons, anime late at night. The network knows what it is, and isn't ashamed.

We cut to 1999, when the network manages to start making some shows. Shows based on stupid movies, or canceled shows from other networks, but shows. One show started off great, and had a bunch of Muppets in it, with not a lot of CGI garbage. The kid is still pleased.

We cut to 2003, the Muppet show got incredibly stupid. The network has been trying, and failing,to come up with other shows, but has come up with a curious show where it's a stupid reality/prank show. They've also created a spin-off of the show, that was based on a stupid movie. There is a curious new show, based on a really stupid tv series from the 70's, but the kid will never watch it. The kid is growing up, but fails to stop believing in his beloved network.

We cut to 2006, the young man flips over to the Scifi Network It's about 9pm, and he's hoping to watch some reruns of The Outer Limits, or maybe some old movie, or, god help him, maybe some 4th or 5th season Sliders episodes. Instead he finds wrestling on his beloved Science Fiction network. Something called "ECW", which is now on the network. The young man, weeps inside. Also, the network didn't import the new Doctor Who show, till a year afer it came out, forcing the young man to get it from nefarious means from the "file sharers", and he's never looked back.

We cut to 2009, DISASTER STRIKES. The network the man has grown up to love is now gone. Instead it has rebranded itself the "Syfy" network. The man tries to understand what that even means. At a glance, all the programing seems to be withering away. Filled with wrestling, dumb reality shows, with only one night devoted to "original" programing, and the weekends filled with terrible, "original" movies, with such clever titles as "Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus". Or nightly marathons of "Ghost Hunter", and it's resounding *thud* of crap. And the sequel show to the original show has been canceled. Now they're making another sequel based off of it.

We end with 2010. The "Syfy Network" is awash with crap that is barely recognizable as television. They air commercials for Merlin, claiming the show is "Original", despite airing on NBC, and COMING from the goddamn BBC. They keep making horrible B-movies, with people who can barely act, like Felicia Day, or Casper Van Dien. It says a lot about the network that they only have the rights to air "Enterprise", the worst of all the Star Trek series'. Commercials for Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, Mary Knows Best, and Fact or Faked come on, and the man watches them.

The last scene of the movie is a long pull away shot of the man, still in his parents basement, a lone light-bulb swinging, hanging from a ceiling board, feet dangling.


So, that's my movie pitch. What do you guys think?
In other news, WoW is down for the moment, Fallout 3 doesn't work right on my laptop (the radio stations are janky), and I bought Burnout Paradise for 7.50$, and the DLC is 8$ each.  Good luck with that, EA.
Also, thanks for your guys concern.  No news on #CancerFoot (as I call it on Twitter), but that's about it.