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Marines With Frying Pans: L4D 2 and the Expansion Pack "Sequel"

 When L4D 2 was announced the first thought that occurred to me was-already? I know Valve is a company with a solid track record, but a full fledged sequel in only a year's time? Perhaps I was being too cynical? There certainly was nary a hint of cynicism, or what could be better called, justified skepticism in the gaming press at the time of the announcement.

Well I guess I was not the only one because there was that "silly" boycott. People like Adam Sessler, co-host of G4's X-Play, became the standard industry apologist, proclaiming that the people organizing the boycott simply wanted to get something for free. After all, Valve has always supported their games with free updates and content, and now you want us to pay? Well this could have been the "real," "true" reason for the boycott, who knows. However, the list of, what I view, as legitimate gripes stated on the boycott's Steam community page told a different story. These concerns ranged from splitting the multiplayer community to not honoring a commitment to support L4D with further updates. People like Adam Sessler should have addressed these stated concerns rather than setting up a straw man. Lets face it, it could be fairly said that L4D, at launch, was a little light on content. 

Of course the reason provided for the boycott that struck home to me was, "the announced content of Left 4 Dead 2 does not warrant a stand-alone, full priced sequel.." I, for one, have grown weary of the so called "version 1.5" or "expansion pack sequel". Take the same game, make a few tweaks-who knows-throw in a few new weapons, of course some new levels, and put a higher number on the box. Perhaps the announcement of L4D 2 was not so much a cause for celebration and unbridled hype, but rather, boldly highlighted a trend that unfortunately has become endemic to the video game industry. After all, if a developer with a penchant for quality like Valve can succumb...

I guess it all boils down to what you consider to be a sequel. Lets take Valve's Half Life as an example. Look at the evolution that took place between Half Life and Half Life 2. Now there's a sequel! If this trend continues, I can see it now, next year-just as Starcraft 2 has developed a strong community following, at Blizzcon it is announced 'hey forget the two planned expansions, get ready for Starcraft 3 coming out this November." But this time marines will have frying pans! Try your little Zergling rush now!

Maybe the L4D boycott was just a silly attention getting mechanism, but I think it was drawing attention to something important. I do give Valve some credit though, additional content will be released for L4D, and they will assuredly remain one of the top developers in the industry. I also look forward to L4D 2, I think it will be a great expansion pack!