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World Tour Fishing review

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There are many ways to go fishing in games. There's the side activity in many games, either to get materials in many RPGs or to get some items for a side quest. Not usually is fishing the focus of a game, and when it is, the game is usually one where you just try and catch Bass under a strict time limit, and you get a penalty if you catch the wrong type of fish, or it tries to be too realistic and not fun at all. Fishing games are also a rarity on the PC platform, preferring to go on consoles to try and reach a wider audience. In spite of this, a massively multiplayer online fishing game called World Tour Fishing was released for the PC, published by Gamescampus.

This game is different. It mixes up the fishing of the game with quests, and fish even have sort of an achievement system tied to each fish, which ties into a bigger achievement for the area you are in. Some fish have easy achievements such as catch a certain amount of fish, while others may be more complex such as catch it with a certain type of bait, or in a certain map of the game. When you complete all achievements for a fish, you get a small reward, and if you complete the area, you get a larger award which feels so satisfying.

The fishing is the star of the game. You will cast your line into the water with bait on the hook, and wait. Eventually a fish will nibble on the line, and you need to start the main part of the game. When a fish is hooked, you need to manage your tension on the line to make sure the line is not too loose, or too tight so you can keep the fish. However, the tension on the line has a direct effect on how easily you can bring in a fish, and when the line is in the red zone, it will be in danger of snapping and you will need to relax your line to release some of the slack.

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The quests in the game are mostly catch a certain amount of fish, grab some items from some fish, or catch a certain size of fish. There are even boss fish that will push your skills to the limit, and they are usually limited to the end line of quests for a certain area of the map. Finishing most quests feels rewarding, giving you experience and gold so you can continue your trek of fishing. You can also deliver fish for gold.

There is gear in the game, some is rewarded for leveling up, and sometimes you can get clothing items from achievements or randomly after catching a fish. The gear effects your stats, with rods, lines, and reels being the main things to make sure you can catch fish much more easily. There is clothing you wear that gives some effects to your stats, but costume pieces will be worn over those and not remove the stats. There are multiple types of bait where each fish prefers a different type of bait, and some bait will not even attract a certain fish. There are also boats so you can get around the different areas to catch some fish deeper in the waters, and some fish are only accessible by being on the water.

The game is quite good looking with great water reflection effects and the fish also look quite realistic for virtual fish. It really shows the effort put into the game making the game an enjoyable experience. The weather effects are also quite nice, with different weather also effecting how the fish react.

The game is not without a couple of faults, but they aren't enough to make the game avoidable. There are a few things that are not translated and will appear in their original Korean text. They are very uncommon, and most of the text is translated. All essential text such as quests, objectives, and most items are translated and these are the main parts of the game.

There is a grind in the game. The fishing is enjoyable enough that it doesn't feel like a chore, but sometimes trying to catch a certain fish for an objective or in a certain way is not that fun at all. Other fish in the area will usually be attracted to the same bait so trying to catch that particular fish will be irritating.

Overall, this is a solid fishing game. It is really relaxing, and quite zenlike. I was skeptical at first, but overall this title is great. Give it a try when it's released, you will be sure to get hooked.

Forgot the link for the game!

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