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ikomrad's comments

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Since I haven't played Witcher 3 and do not plan to, the basis of this article is a bit lost on me. what I can say about Dragon Age Inquisition base game is that it did a lot of things right. it feels like a transitional game where the developers threw in all of their ideas to see which one worked, and then use that feedback for the next game.

fortunately , the side quests are completely optional, you can buy or find items if you want to skip the crafting system, which lets you zip through the story.

If you want to be a competionist, you can spend hours exploring every crevice of the world.

If you enjoy crafting , there AE a plethora and materials and item blueprints to choose from

If you like run and gun, you can skip tactical view. if you are a Napoleonic strategist, you can do that too.

I liked the story and amount of side questing. I loved the dragons until I became too powerful and killing them was a joke.

I did not like the travel system. Horses should move a lot faster and being able to use them as a weapon would have been even cooler.

Astarium puzzles can be left out next time :)

I played Dragon Age Inquisition before Dragon Age:Origins , and I find myself playing all of the dao dlc while I have not touched the dai dlc, which gives you an idea which game I find more interesting.

Finally, it sounds like Tresspasser make the players buy dlc to get closure, which is a bad a practice as the pre-order system. Games should be compete at release and if a developer needs pre-order sales, that tells me that they are afraid their game will not be well-received so they need to be paid before people get to try it.

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Since I haven't played Witcher 3 and do not plan to, the basis of this article is a bit lost on me. what I can say about Dragon Age Inquisition base game is that it did a lot of things right. it feels like a transitional game where the developers threw in all of their ideas to see which one worked, and then use that feedback for the next game.

fortunately , the side quests are completely optional, you can buy or find items if you want to skip the crafting system, which lets you zip through the story.

If you want to be a competionist, you can spend hours exploring every crevice of the world.

If you enjoy crafting , there AE a plethora and materials and item blueprints to choose from

If you like run and gun, you can skip tactical view. if you are a Napoleonic strategist, you can do that too.

I liked the story and amount of side questing. I loved the dragons until I became too powerful and killing them was a joke.

I did not like the travel system. Horses should move a lot faster and being able to use them as a weapon would have been even cooler.

Astarium puzzles can be left out next time :)

I played Dragon Age Inquisition before Dragon Age:Origins , and I find myself playing all of the dao dlc while I have not touched the dai dlc, which gives you an idea which game I find more interesting.

Finally, it sounds like Tresspasser make the players buy dlc to get closure, which is a bad a practice as the pre-order system. Games should be compete at release and if a developer needs pre-order sales, that tells me that they are afraid their game will not be well-received so they need to be paid before people get to try it.