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What I've been playing - The benefits of my new job

It's been a while since I last wrote one of these. My new job has taken away weekday time and stripped me of my energy, as jobs tend to do. Honestly, blogging was the last thing I thought about doing tonight, but I do find it enjoyable, and some things video-game related have happened since my last one.

My summer job this year is computer-related. I work for the school district up here in Alaska, replacing older computers with newer models, and selling the really old ones. It pays well, and it's my first full-time job.

The absolute, hands-down, best thing about this job is that every single person on the crew loves video games. So, as you can guess, when we stayed in a school away from home, 5 PM to 12 midnight every night - solid video games. The one game we played a ton of was Brawl. Gotta love it. Also, Team Fortress 2. There's one guy on the crew who's logged over four hundred hours in that game! I barely have 40-some! Other games include the first half of Paper Mario, and Chrono Trigger. Yeah, one of my co-workers got me started on it. It's great! I'm really enjoying it so far.


That's it for work-related stuff. Other games? Shadows of the Damned. I love Suda 51 to death, let me tell you, but the number of dick jokes in that game is uncomfortably high. Still, it's great. I think the gameplay feels solid, and I like the sidekick banter thing Garcia and his floating skull buddy (Johnson, I think it is? Jesus, even more euphemisms) have going. The whole (erm, what was his girlfriend's name again?) lost girlfriend, getting tricked by the devil, seeing things, mirages, etc. is a teensy bit overdone, though. When I see her drowning in the same damn lake for the 15th time, it loses its edge a little bit.

I also bought From Dust on XBLA. Haven't played it yet, but I love me some Black and White, so we'll see.

That's it. Tried to make it short and sweet.

Until next time.