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Hey man, don't know what to say but WOW. Thanks for the great in depth answer. I have since grabbed the DLC AND am trying to find me a GB centered clan to get into some of the content with.

Thanks for the replies everyone!

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#2  Edited By imJimothy

Hi all,

I played a ton of D1 and enjoyed it, but never let myself get too invested since it was never released on PC, and I'm never as comfortable playing a shooter on a game pad as I am on a M/KB set up.

With how the community, and the duders have been talking about D2: Forsaken, I've been tempted to jump back into the game. I picked up the base game with the DLC pass for year, and remember feeling a little under whelmed and boarded once I reached end game. I trust the GB community far more than I do that of the official DestinyTheGame subreddit or Bungie forums, so how do you guys feel the game is now on PC? Is there a GB clan that I could get into to find some guys to play with as I mostly play solo right now ....

Thanks guys and gals!