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Greetings Giant Bomb. I'm a guy who writes things about games, generally on gamepot where many of my friends are but as this site rocks in myriad ways I've decided to become a sporadic presence on this site seeing as I spend an inordinate amount of time here.

If you like any of the stuff I write then I might make the habit of porting my ruminations over but if not, it's just less work for me and more time for me to enjoy the world of sitting on stuffed furniture playing video games.

this was adam1808



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Reviews: 15

User Lists: 2

Edited By impartialgecko

Greetings Giant Bomb. I'm a guy who writes things about games, generally on gamepot where many of my friends are but as this site rocks in myriad ways I've decided to become a sporadic presence on this site seeing as I spend an inordinate amount of time here.

If you like any of the stuff I write then I might make the habit of porting my ruminations over but if not, it's just less work for me and more time for me to enjoy the world of sitting on stuffed furniture playing video games.

this was adam1808