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GOTY 2011

Let my quickly preface by acknowledging I'm only posting my top five games this year. Though I've actually played more than ten new releases if I were to include as many as ten in this list that would still be most of the games I've played this year, and I don't believe that's very conducive to producing a list of the best games of the year, hence only five titles.

UPDATE: Now with a 100% more Bastion.

UPDATE: Now with a 100% mode Deus EX: Human Revolution.

List items

  • Catherine is my game of the year for several reasons, though if I had to single out one reason it would be that it's an entirely unique experience, something I value very highly.

    It also has the best graphical presentation of any game this year, the game simply looks fantastic, so much that the in-engine cinematics look just as good as the hand drawn animation sequences.

    Last but not least the game tells a mature tale of choices regarding life and relationships which is infinitely more relateable than anything else I've experienced in videogames.

  • Shadows of the Damned perfectly marries the insane humor of Suda51 and the exquisite mastership of gameplay derived by Shinji Mikami, overlaid with a fantastic score by Akira Yamaoka.

    The majority of this game is so good that I'm willing to disregard the fact that the fourth act falls completely on it's face. (Note: The game is comprised of five acts).

  • Every aspect of Saints Row: The Third seems to be designed with the player's enjoyment in mind. I can't remember the last time I had so much pure fun while playing a game.

  • Gears of War 3 presents the most well paced campaign in the series thus far due to the variety of combat situations the player is put through during its course.

  • Sonic CD is one of my favorite games of all time, and I can honestly say that the recent port is the best port I've played of any game. As such it warrants mentioning, despite the fact that it was originally released in 1993.