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54009 New Game Game Because Daymare: 1998 is a really awaited and loved game made by survival horror fans that made the first unofficial Resident Evil 2 Remake that brought Capcom to made the official one after a meeting with this guys. Capcom also mentioned Invader Studios, the team behind Daymare: 1998 in the RE 2 Remake credits and the people is waiting for Daymare: 1998 because is spiritually connected to the most loved survival horror games of the 90's. Furthermore, the game is already compared to the most important triple A production also if is developed by an indie team of 10 people. We hope you can add the game in your directory for alla this reasons. The game will be released this Summer on Steam and few time later on PS4 and Xbox One. Thank you guys!! 06/12/19 07:26AM 10 approved