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Games of Summer Schedule/Sales Predicitions

In these two videos, I pull a page from the Michael Pachter book of making wild predictions about video games sales. I'm not a expert, so please, let me know what you think about my predictions!
Part 1: Schedule

Part 2: Sales Predictions

Beef with the iPad

Check this article out for some of the critism about the iPad.

Here's my beef with the Apple iPad.

In the Apple Press Conference announcing the device, Steve Jobs touts the device as doing certain things better then a SmartPhone and certain things better then a laptop. Sure, it's portable and looks great but in my mind there's no need for this device or this "third" set of devices. You can't multitask with the device (in other words, you can only do one thing a time due to the limited processing/iPhone OS that it is running) and that alone is a dealbreaker for many people including myself.

If I need to read news, browse a site or check email on the run, sure my smartphone won't be the optimal means of viewing it, but it serves it's purpose. A limited browser in my pocket. Once I'm home, I'll use my laptop. Sure, it's not touch sensitive, but being a child of technology I need to do multiple things at the same time; MSN, iTunes, games and word processing.

I think we are going to hear (at least for the first generation of the device) about the comparasion to an oversized iPhone due to 3G Data capabilities and the fact that it runs a modified version of the iPhone Operating System a lot. And for good reason. I love Apple. I have an iPod Touch and a Macbook. I have no need for it. I can see how some people could justify a purchase at this point (as a substitute to the Amazon Kindle for example) but at this point as the astute business men and women on Dragon's Den say: "I'm Out".

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