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Hi I'm watching this movie now and it's very silly and fun and also uuhhhhh thank you

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JDavidsen611's comments

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I have 2 in my head.

First, since it's in such recent memory, is MGSV. I loved the loop of going out and doing missions, collecting soldiers and resources, then seeing the fruits of that in all the new equipment I could develop. That's is, like, the ideal "video game loop".

Then, I can't help but think of Minecraft which is very different, but also kind of exactly the same. It's been a while since I've played it, but a few years ago I was super into it. There was something satisfying about going out and exploring to find materials and new areas, and then making sure to get back by nightfall and using all the stuff you've gathered to make new materials in order to expand your home or be able to make camps in new areas and defend yourself.

There's something so appealing about going out into the world of a game and collecting things that will help you expand or create new gear, especially when you have to get very specific things in order to make what you want. Setting those goals to get those items you need is super rewarding, and I love when it's completely a choice you make, rather than the game going level by level, putting the next power up in front of you.

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I might get hate for this, but mine is Wind Waker. I've tried so many times to play through that game, and I do like it and I know it's good but for some reason I can't quite put together, I've never been able to get into it enough to get very far.