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Army of Two: The 40th Day Review

                                                                                                          Review: Army of Two: The 40 Day

    In the beginning of Army of Two: the 40 Day, we find our old buddies Rios and Salem are in the middle of Shanghai, when all hell breaks loose around the entire city and the two of them are brought in to do another job that would get them killed if they were to do it by themselves. There isn’t really much to this games story, you and your buddy are in a city falling apart at every turn, with nearby airplanes and helicopters   plummeting down on you. As you try to make your way out of town to safety many people stand in your way but there not just after you.

    The Gameplay for this game is pretty standard and straightforward for a 3 person shooter these days, except for this games aggro system, simply put the more your partner shoots at the enemies the more their attention is drawn to him, therefore making much easier to get around and flank your enemies. The thing about this system is that it may work too well, when your partner’s aggro meter is almost full it practically makes you invisible, even when your only a few feet away from multiple enemies. Well some people may find this pleasant, I find this system a bit ridiculous.

    There are a lot of things to keep the players interested in this and keep you playing for a while, with a plethora of weapons to unlock through the main campaign and enough upgrades for every gun you’ll be able to find something that will suit your mood. Throughout the game you will have to make choices for certain things giving you a + or – in morality, for instance doing a good thing like saving the innocent, capturing the criminals, and not taking the easy way out will increase your reputation in the game. While this does feel kind of tacked on, they did a little extra to counter-balance it, by extrapolating the choice that you made you can see if your good choice really lead to a god outcome. Finally there is a co-op to this game, I can’t say much about it except that it works ... unless you are playing with someone who doesn’t know the difference between the enemy and the wall.

    This isn’t to say this game doesn’t have it’s faults, far from it, multiple times I have encountered glitches with this game, whether it be freezing or the game seems to disappear after a door entailing me to fall forever, making me have to reset my machine. A few other small things that I didn’t really like was your helmets inboard monitor, which acts as your in-in-game heads up display, it shows you were the civilians, enemies and were you need to go next, but it seemed to get in the way more then anything, I found it easier to play the game and tell the people apart by those who are wearing armour and those who aren’t. The sound, while decent, just didn’t really do much to set the tone for the game' especially for what it was showing to the players. The last Army of two game was about two friends and the first game really showed that by having them pat each other in the back and while making jokes about each other, you got they were good friends, while in this game, they seem to be more work buddy’s and that it, they make a small joke or story here or there but overall you didn’t really get the same enthusiasm as they once did.

    Summary: While this game does do quite a bit to get people coming back for another round or two with just about 6 hrs to the campaign, a story that doesn’t do much for anything, I’d have to say it’d be best to your money for other games that are coming out at this time.

I give it a 5/10