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Average score of 3 user reviews

Why is Everybody's Gone To The Rapture a video game? 0

Why is Everybody's Gone To The Rapture a video game? I don't want that to sound rude or facile but it’s the question that I think all of us ask ourselves when playing a game like this. Does it need to be a game? Exploration games (or as some obnoxiously call them Walking Simulators) are a contentious issue leading to those who support the movement to support all the games in the genre voraciously and those who hate it to tear every game in the genre down. The main argument is that of inter...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Let's Make A Little List 0

When you start playing Alien Isolation I really want you to do something. Start writing down all the reasons you are enjoying it. I'll assume two things, you are a fan of Alien and you can deal with stealth. Assuming those two things your list is gonna grow quite quickly. In an hour or two look at that list and think about it. You'll have items like "Incredible Atmosphere" "It really feels like the films" "The sounds are very well implemented" "I'm feeling quite on edge". Right, now put that lis...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Give It An Hour... 0

At first it's beautiful in a beguiling, lonely sort of way. Then it's promising for half a minute before swiftly becoming utterly inexplicable, you immediately gather that upsettingly familiar internal voice of concern "Dude, that's £5 worth of tram fare you just spent". Twenty minutes later it all makes perfect sense and what first appeared to be an arty intrigue with little hope of being playable becomes what can be most closely compared to, as strange as it sounds, IOS levels of addiction.I'...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.