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Yet another reason Gamestop sucks.

Last month I decided to pre-order limited edition of Fallout: New Vegas from Gamestop because I liked their pre-order bonus (the in game suit ,and gun etc.). Personally to the way I played Fallout 3 that was best pre-order package. The game came out today and I got my copy but not from Gamestop but from Gamestop sucks so much that when I went to the store to pre-order it month and a half in advance they told my that their limited edition pre-orders are closed but I can get the regular game. I chuckled and asked the guy if hes messing with me but he was serious. It kind of pissed me off since I had to go out of my way to drive to the store just to find out that I can't make the purchase. As soon as I got home I placed the order with with release day delivery for the limited edition of the game with no problem Best Buy also had available copies of it for sale but I liked the Amazons package better. My story does not end here there is much more that shocks me about Gamestop. Last week my Xbox 360 charge kit went out and I had to purchase new one. I went on Gamestops web site to see if they have this same one available but it was back-ordered and the only ones they have available are some crappy third party ones. Once again I went on and found the charge kit I wanted and had it delivered with no problems or discrepancies. I don't want this to seem like a rant against Gamestop but them being one of the largest game retailers definitely does not show and I am shocked how much they can let me down within two week span. It begins to show that their main interest is the used game retail but with the new regulations being shaped they'll have to step their game up because as of now they are getting left behind by their competitors.