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Reasons to always carry a matchbox with only a match...

Do you remember the 1997 cult movie "The Fifth Element", staring Milla Jovovich and Bruce Willis, scene (spoiler alert!) in which they are in the Egyptian temple and they need to open the fire stone? Well, Bruce Willis wouldn't have saved the world(once time) if he hadn't had a matchbox with only one match in his pocket. This may not have been much to you, but when I saw this movie(I was probably 8 or 9 years old by that time) it impressed me so much that from that day forward I have always carried a  matchbox with only one match in my pocket.  

This may seam a stupid obsessive-compulsive childish behavior, but as I grew older and found out what stupid it was, I came to think which reasons were good enough to carry such useless thing in my pocket. A match may not be very useful in any real-life situation, but it can save your life in very special situations, for example:  

  • If you are travelling on a plane and it has to make a crash landing on a desert island(assuming you survived the security guards of the airport when they find the match, or  the crash), it would be of great help to start a fire.
  • In the case of a Zombie-apocalypse, it would be a great way of killing a gasoline-soaked zombie, or to make a beautiful firework show by throwing it into a zombie infested gas station and run like hell before it exploits or a zombie catches you.
  • To impress a women by swallowing fire recklessly burning your mouth in the process.
  • In the unlikely event of going back in time to the prehistoric ,ancient or medieval period, it would help you to gain control of a population by making them believe that you are a powerful sorcerer(or a god given the case).
  • To light the very last cigarette or your very last secret agent... I mean "constructionist" mission.
  • To eat in the case of starving during a world-wide famine.
  • To kill a man in a cool Riddick-style way while being a prisoner of  the universe's most secure and "inescapable" prison.
and my favorite reason so far, to save the universe's life from a pure evil entity by opening a stone that would turn Milla Jovovich into the universe's most powerful weapon and sacred weapon. 
For anything else a match is of no much use, any quiet  wind or a high humidity level would extinguish it before you can do anything useful with it, but it's curious to think about the many uses a match can have, on how such a small almost ignored thing could make a difference given the right situation.  

 If you think of any other reason to always carry a matchbox with only one match in your pocket let me know by commenting. 
I hoped you've enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. 
So long, and thank you for the fish.