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boom shakalaka!

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I love BFBC2,  but what i don't love are they people who don't know how to play the fuckin' game!!!!  If we are playing conquest  you need to attack AND defend the flags.  If we are playing rush you need to attack when on offense  or defend when on defense. Not fuck around killing or greifing other players.  If that's what you want to do go play MW2 and leave me alone!!!
addition:  what people seem to forget is that unlike MW2 in BF2 you HAVE TO play as a team,  or at least a squad.  if you don't you WILL NOT win.  this means communicate and for gods sake MARK TARGETS.  i can't emphasize this enough.   so if anyone wants to play BF2 (for 360)as a team and have some fun hit me up.