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So long, GiantBomb. (Blog post) (7/22-10/5)

Well, I think my time here is done. I have been a semi-active member for a year or so now, but I think it is time to move on.  
Before I go, I would like to post some observations about the forums I've made thus far: 

  1. Dicks- yes, you know who you are. I think these threads have been bombarded with dicks, and it ain't pretty. Now I don't mean trolls, mind you, but specifically users who go out of their way to insult other members and overall rub off their dickery onto everyone around them (lol what?). I am not going to name anyone, but you know who you are. 
  2. Pointless Threads- there are many of them. (I'm sure someone is going to say something witty like "This thread is a prime example of #2, Jolly" or something along those lines, and, yeah, it probably does, but it's my last blog, so the hell with it.)
  3. Offensive comments about the founding fathers- those being Jeff, Ryan, Vinny & Brad. These people bring you lulz day after day, and some of you have the nerve to insult them? Brad even mentioned being called a "vegetarian asshole" on one of the podcasts. Not cool people, not cool. 
Those are the big three hitters. I have also seen some mods abuse their "powers" every now and then, but for the most part they have done a good job. (One thing I suggest, is to give a real REASON when locking a thread, not just state a witty remark and be done with it).  
I don't expect for anyone to really pay much attention to this but I thought I might as well give my two cents on the place I visited and (used to) like for more than a year now. Honestly, the forums aren't what they used to be, and a lot of people seem very agitated for no reason. The site, however, is still kickass, and I applaud the GB crew for getting as far as they have. You guys rock, fuck the haters. 
So long fellas, try and be nice to one another. 

Mindfucked (Blog post) (>_<)

Ok, so bear with me on this. 
I just had a dream about me sleeping and hearing noises and footsteps, but I knew there was nobody there. And then, while I was still dreaming that I was sleeping in the dream, I wake up, go to a mirror, look at myself, and my eyes look bloody. Not blood-shot, but straight up blood IN my eyes.  
And then, I notice a pimple on my forehead, and think "Huh?? Why do I have a pimple?" So I pop the pimple, and then there is even more blood on my face, so I wipe it all off with a napkin or something.  
And then, I knew I didn't really wake up because I woke up again! I look at my laptop (I was watching an Endurance Run episode on my bed earlier) and the edge is bent and the screen is a little messed up, so I go "OH NO!!1 I must have rolled over it!" And so I go to the bathroom and start splashing cold water onto myself to wake myself up (I am still in the dream but I think I'm awake), but when I splash the cold water onto my face, I can't feel it! So I'm thinking "Oh god, am I in a coma right now?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" 
Then I FINALLY wake up, but my eyes are so heavy and tired, that I just go into a "mini" sleep, and tell my sleep self to wake up in three ours or so for my math class. But my sleep self said "Ah, but first you must solve this here code, old chap," and I'm thinking "WTF I'm not British?!" and then the number "143 or 144" appeared and I'm trying to reach for the calculator on my desk, even though I don't even know what to do with those numbers in the first place! I thought "screw you sleep self" and finally woke up for realzies. I checked the computer, everything was fine; I went to the bathroom, my eyes were fine; I splashed the cold water, and I felt it.  
But doodz, that was the craziest shit  I have ever experienced. I thought it might have been a lucid dream, but I don't think I realized that in the dream. This dream was such a mindfuck that I almost have the urge to write "THEN WHO WAS PHONE?!" at the end of this, lmao.  
Anyone else have some crazy dream stories? 


"Nice guys finish last," and all that jazz (Blog post)

We have all heard this saying. We are told to be agressive from the get go. If you are weak, move aside; someone else has can do the dirty work for you. I believe it was Darwin who coined the saying, "Life is a battle of the fittest" or something along those lines. But why is that? 
This subject confronts you your entire life; when you are in school, when you work, even when you are searching for that significant other. People say that nice is "weak", being nice gets you nowhere. It is people who are not afraid of getting their hands dirty that pull ahead in this game we call "life". But why are people seen this way? What does caring about personal values have to do with inferiority? 
I have seen people laughed at when supporting a cause. I have seen people judge others who help their communities strive, personal gain far from their minds. Good students seen as outsiders, people that care about the environment called losers.  
I, myself, don't have the answer. Of course confidence should be owned by all, but what does lying, cheating, and stealing have do with it? Is life such a hard game to play that people's only mean of winning is by bending the rules, even if only a little? Does society look the other way unless it affects them personally? Would people put others down to get ahead, even if the reward is tainted by betrayal and mistrust? What is so awful about being a decent human being who puts his or her values ahead of personal gain? 
My fear is that people are merely born this way, but I hope this isn't so. I belive children are influenced greatly by the rest of society, even greater than their own parents. I think parents, guardians, loved one's need to teach the younger generation that the world is, without a doubt, a "dog-eat-dog" world, but they don't have to be this way. Simple logic and dedication is the difference between first place and last; you do not need to go out of the way and rig the race in order to win it.  
In conclusion, my fellow Giant Bombers, I ask you this: What are some important values to you personally? Where do you think you are placed in the race? How do you play the "game"?


My childhood, my innocence; where art thou? (Blog post) (>'.')>

So I've been feeling a little down lately, mostly because the realization has started to kick in that 1.) I'm 18, no longer a 'minor' and 2.) I'm out of high school.  
Now, I wouldn't mind it so much, but I feel as though this has all happened much too fast. I feel as though I have missed out on a lot of things, some of which are too late to go back for. I don't feel 'young' anymore, and have began to notice myself age.  
I remember eagerly anticipating the day I would finally finish high school, when I would be on my own, responsible for my own well being; now that that dream has become a reality, however, it is not as appealing as I once hoped it would be.  
I know, unfortunately, that I will probably never see many of my fellow colleagues again, some that I had known for nearly half my life. Many of them have changed though, becoming into something I never knew they could succumb to. Worst of all I knew I could have prevented it, saved them even, but that is another story for a different day. 
It is a little scary and exciting at the same time, really. The thought of being 'grown-up' may seem overwhelming, but that is to be expected; you have spent your entire life up to this point as a dependent learner, absorbing vital information in order to function in this dog-eat-dog world. I should be thankful for having such good memories of my earlier life, but what good is living in the past? None, I don't think.
And as if things couldn't get any more 'real', Garfield has made me self-aware of my own sick, tainted mind:  

It sure is, you perverted f*ck.
It sure is, you perverted f*ck.
Anyone experience this "phase" in their life yet? 

Listening to the Bombcast is too much work sometimes (Blog post)

  • It's usually 2 hours long.
  • Paying attention is harder than it would seem.
  • Can't really play games while listening to it.
  • Can't really do homework while listening to it.
  • Always fall asleep before it's over. 
 Anyone else agree?

Just to make things clear, I do not hate bombcast. The problem for me is finding the time. I know I don't have to listen to it all in one sitting, but I just can't stop it while I'm listening, it's too good! It's kind of an "all or nothing"  thing for me.
Fortunately, listening to the BC while doing challenges in SFIV seems to be the ideal combination for me. I don't have to pay attention too much in the game, and I don't miss what the crew has to say either.  
*high fives self*

Finally forcing myself to type properly (Blog post) (>.<)

Yeah, and it's a real bitch. I've always typed with just my two pointer fingers (believe it or not), and have learned to type pretty quickly that way. But the problem is that I tend to misspell a lot of words in the process, and I think typing properlly is long overdue.  
So my question is, do you know how to type correctly (meaning you place four fingers on "asdf" and the other four on "jkl;") or do you type a different way?  
(BTW: This entire post was typed using the four finger method, and it took me roughly 5-7 minutes. I hope that isn't embarassingly slow, but if it is, I at least feel myself beginning to feel more comfortable). 
Thanks for reading, 


So my sister is starting to smoke.. (Blog post) (:\)

..and I'm pretty pissed. 
Now, it's not marijuana or anything, just regular cigarettes (so it's actually worse) . Before she never really smoked, only very rarely at a few parties here and there, but now she has started to buy her own packs (not cartons, thank god, but a pack is still a pack too many).  
The thing is, I'm one of those "protective" brothers, meaning that if I sense my sister is in any kind of trouble, I prevent the trouble from happening. Even though she is 5 years older than me, I still feel as the older sibling, which is pretty nerve racking to say the least. Unfortunately, she is the kind of person that will indulge in things in order to "fit in", and the excuse she always gives me is "well, everyone else was doing it."  
The good thing is is that she's already become uncomfortable smoking around me when with her friends, but I know that once I'm out of the room she doesn't care as much, if at all. I've already discussed this new habit with her, but she merely makes excuses and tells me to stop trying to be like our dad (our parents don't know a thing by the way).  
Here's the difficult part: I'm living with her now, and I don't want things to turn stale. I've thought of simply forbidding her to smoke, but I honestly don't think that will do any good. I've smoked for a year, maybe a year and a half, and see that as the greatest regret in my life thus far, so this affects me quite closely.
I don't want to make this into a big thing or anything, I'm not asking for life lessons here, but since I can't turn to my parents on this one (long story), I'm just curious what some of you would do if you were in my situation. 
EDIT: sorry for any confusion, but I am no longer a smoker. Haven't had a cigarette for 8 months now.
Thank you,


Inglorious Basterds was AMAZING (Blog post) (:P) (no spoilers)

Wow, wasn't expecting this at all. Just came back from seeing it (caught the last show) and it was well worth the money and lack of sleep to be had.
Let me just say that I pretty much knew nothing about the movie when going in, so I really didn't know what to expect. I was hoping that it wouldn't be a Valkerie (or how ever you spell that) rip-off, and, thankfully, it wasn't. Albeit I missed the first 6 minutes of the film, the beginning was pretty damn intense.  
Since I promised not to spoil anything, I'll just end my blog with a few thoughts:
  1. The movie isn't really action based, so if you're expecting to see guns blazing and heads flying, this may not be for you (it does have some shooting scenes and believe me they won't disappoint).
  2. The length. This is a longg movie. I personally didn't mind, but keep that in mind. 
  3. Lots and lots of subtitles. Almost seems like a foreign movie; illeterate beware. 
In conclusion, if you're itching to watch a Nazi flick, look no further. There may not be too much action, but you will care about the story and become attached to nearly every character, good or bad.   
Jolly_Lolly rating: 5/5 popsicles. 
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