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College Hoops 2k8 Part Two

So, I've been busy, but I still have whole seasons to catch up before I get to where I am currently in the game. So, to recap, I take my high-flying uptempo offense to Pepperdine. The first season I am there, I have 5 scholarships to dish out. However, I am in Cali, so I have great access to a wide range of quality players. I was thinking at first I would just target 4 and 3 stars and go for a solid class to build on. However, things began to break well for me, and I somehow ended up recruiting 2 5-stars, 2 4-stars and a solid 3-star player. Monster recruiting class, ended up being a top-20 class. We manage to string together another 20 win season and make the dance, but we flame out quick. The next year we welcome our talented class to replace our seniors. They're developing, but we put together another 20 win season and a March Madness trip, pulling in a solid 4 person recruiting class full of 4-star players. After the season, the job carousel opens up, and Duke comes calling! It's hard to refuse one of the most prestigious basketball colleges in the country, so I say adios to Pepperdine (I left it with a solid foundation, they were a top 10 team for the next two years) and take my show to Tobacco Road in North Carolina.