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Regarding Reviews

I'm sure this has been discussed to death somewhere, but what is with the fixation on scores for reviews? Does a game you like only getting 4 stars out 5 instead of 5 make it worse for you? You like the game, as far as I am concerned, that is good enough for you. What is so much more important is the actual review, what is written about the game, which is WAY more telling than some number. So please, for goodness sake, read the review, ignore the score. Otherwise, please don't let the number cause indignation, each reviewer is different, and reviews are in nature subjective.

Edit: Furthermore, if you react with "I disagree with your review", it would be good if you referred to the part of the review you disagreed with, if you really disagreed with. Otherwise, I would be compelled to conclude that you disagree with the score on a superficial level.