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The Stack: Titles that will never be played.

Compulsive purchases, games that were not priorities, or even just being caught at a good price in a Steam Sale - we all have games that end up in a pile of 'never to be played' titles.

I can count probably 15 titles alone for my Xbox 360 that I've purchased, and not even sunk more than a few hours into. Games that I want to play, like Dead Space 2 or Red Dead Redemption, that will probably not see time in my disc tray. I tried to figure out why, I don't remember having this problem with games when I was a kid, or even as a teen with my PS2 titles. I religiously finished and even replayed titles on a regular basis. Now that I'm an adult with a disposable income, I'm walking out of Walmart with 2 or 3 titles thinking "Man, I want to play this game so bad" only to let it gather dust on my shelf. Do I keep buying games just because I can? I knowingly picked up Ocarina of Time 3D last week when I still have to finish Infamous 2, Assassins Creed Brotherhood and keep trying to finish of Shao Khan and the Tower mode in Mortal Kombat. I don't really need another copy of Ocarina, but I also haven't touched my 360 or PS3 in the last few days because of it. Who's to say I don't roll in with another 360 game to play next week and we forget all about AC:B or MK and play the flavor of the week.

Maybe its a commitment issue.

Shit, maybe this is what my last girlfriend was talking about.... Nah.

"The Stack" will keep growing, that is for sure. If I can start to reduce its numbers by finishing off existing titles is another question all together.



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Edited By Juno

Compulsive purchases, games that were not priorities, or even just being caught at a good price in a Steam Sale - we all have games that end up in a pile of 'never to be played' titles.

I can count probably 15 titles alone for my Xbox 360 that I've purchased, and not even sunk more than a few hours into. Games that I want to play, like Dead Space 2 or Red Dead Redemption, that will probably not see time in my disc tray. I tried to figure out why, I don't remember having this problem with games when I was a kid, or even as a teen with my PS2 titles. I religiously finished and even replayed titles on a regular basis. Now that I'm an adult with a disposable income, I'm walking out of Walmart with 2 or 3 titles thinking "Man, I want to play this game so bad" only to let it gather dust on my shelf. Do I keep buying games just because I can? I knowingly picked up Ocarina of Time 3D last week when I still have to finish Infamous 2, Assassins Creed Brotherhood and keep trying to finish of Shao Khan and the Tower mode in Mortal Kombat. I don't really need another copy of Ocarina, but I also haven't touched my 360 or PS3 in the last few days because of it. Who's to say I don't roll in with another 360 game to play next week and we forget all about AC:B or MK and play the flavor of the week.

Maybe its a commitment issue.

Shit, maybe this is what my last girlfriend was talking about.... Nah.

"The Stack" will keep growing, that is for sure. If I can start to reduce its numbers by finishing off existing titles is another question all together.