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My Take on Rise Of The Tomb Raider's Exclusivity Problem

I couldn't be agree on with me and the loyal Tomb Raider fans who owned a PlayStation for a very long time. What Microsoft and Phil Spencer did was a huge mistake. I'll be honest, Rise Of The Tomb Raider is still a pretty fun game, but it's nowhere near as greatness as the first reboot was in 2013. Dark, gritty, a more vengeful Lara Croft we have never seen before and I have to give credit for Crystal Dynamics on retooling the franchise after years of embarrassment between Eidos and former Croft developer, Core Design.

Now about ROTR! What's with the release date? November 10, 2015? Dude, you've competing against an undeniable force of AAA titles including the aforementioned Fallout 4 (which killed Rise of the Tomb Raider to become the best-selling game of November), Call Of Duty: Black Ops III, and Star Wars: Battlefront (the newly remake of the 2003 original). I'm not even quite sure how you gonna market your own publicity stunts (i.e. the Survival of the Grittiest billboard ad) and then let fans want to pick up a Limited Edition Bundle that features a whole lot of microtransactions and a brand new Baby Yaga DLC that is coming out later next month.

But the sad part is that when it was already out, the sales weren't even quite compare to the reboot. In short, The 3rd Generation Croft sold more than a whopping 8 Million copies worldwide and finally takes the original 1996 crown away to become the best-selling game in the long-running series. Rise of the Tomb Raider, on the other hand, sold less than 330,00 which is good but not great.

So why am I'm saying this? Because I hate the idea about XBOX's attempts to make it an exclusivity deal to their console (before PS4 owners have to wait until Winter 2016). Are you kidding me? You're the guys responsible for Halo, not Tomb Raider. In fact, Square Enix just owned the rights to Tomb Raider and all of the Eidos properties (back when Eidos Interactive folded in 2009 and its name changed to Eidos Montreal as a developer). Microsoft doesn't even own a damn thing, they don't even own Tomb Raider.

I know I have to be the luckiest guy to wait for Sony makes a move and finally ends Nathan Drake's epic conquest when Uncharted 4: A Thief's End busts out at the end of March. So it's actually a good thing Naughty Dog is looking forward for a huge GOTY 2016 about to happen and not let Lara Croft spoil Drake's party anytime soon. Smart move, PlayStation. Smart move!

So, I'm still not buying an XBOX One! Never have and I'll never will. For less than $400.00 bucks, it's still not enough for me to handle. At least if there's some way to make things right from wrong is you gotta get rid of the exclusivity deal and then you'll have an audience once again!

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