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Endless Possibility

Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega's mascot; he's had ups & downs (but its always been a trip worth taking). Sadly though, not everyone takes things lightly these days, from headaches to everything that bogs a game down. But can a game make a comeback?

Unleashed (due out 11/18) is an inspired piece, taking gamers back to our 2D days; yet mixing up the Sonic formula wiht 3D touches. In a sense, you are playing within a 2D world, yet pushed into two different concepts. For the longest time Sonic Team wanted to push such a boundary, even with X-treme (a long lost Saturn title) that touched the idea; never made it to shelves. And thus LittleBigPlanet also educated & teased the notion of making platformers fun (even with co-op gameplay). And it made gaming "fun" all over again.

Some few months ago, a few demo videos hit the interwebs; including YouTube. Teasing various levels from a new Sonic title, until the newswire feed kicked in announcing a comeback for the Hedgehog. Unleashed has been noted as "giving longtime fans the game they've always wanted to play". And the added mechanic of playing the werehog gives Unleashed a mix of Ristar / Prince of Persia / and Devil May Cry (yes some enemies will be challenging).

What is your thoughts on Sonic Unleashed so far? Amazed? Unsure?


SF IV Anime OVA on the way

Turns out at a recent press event, Capcom's ninjas announced the official Street Fighter IV anime project (with game pre-orders).
There's the good news.. the bad? Since the event occured in Japan, it might (and may) only be released in that fashion for their market. However there are internal teams that have noticed the attention various projects have received over the years.
So is there hope for this OVA to hit stateside? We should be finding out soon.


Review of Dead Space - Downfall

Recently watched the animated film, via Starz Encore Action. But is it what some were hoping for?

1st - The Animation - Very well put together, from the Film Roman group (mostly known for diverse direction + animations studios).
Overall the visuals of the film are solid, even carrying a comic book type aspect. From human, to creature, or background, top to bottom everything looks as it should (even when its pitch black).

2nd - The story - For those that have played Dead Space (you know what's happened so far). For those that haven't here's a brief summary.. A mining colony is sent to investigate an ancient artifact, only to find that they've awaken monsters from long ago. But once they've tasted flesh, they take over the hosts body only to seek more victims.

Sounds like your typical sci-fi horror flick? Same goes with the characters sadly, tough brash female lead (check), usual amount of crew that will doom each other (check), team that fights to stay alive (and cue the "game over" line) (check)

3rd - The acting - Although this is animated film, it still carries a solid voice acting cast. From well known actors in the industry, to a few surprises. But the lacking part? Most of the dialog is filled to the brim with one liners, and various bits of language (even a whole argument filled with colorful words) **This isn't a hard hitting action flick, its a horror piece.. (seems the screenwriter was a bit too desperate to let out their action adrenaline)

For a lead interlude it delivers enough; that said about the crew that was doomed once they took the monolith. Was Downfall actually needed? Maybe yes & no, its an interesting perspective behind the disaster. Another negative point, is that it does not have characters you really want to connect with. As I've read elsewhere, in-game with Issac is the main motivation. Yet if that was the premise with the film; why not contain the same level of creativity? (besides lots of violence and gore)..

As a stand alone dvd (or blu ray) title, asking for $20 is a bit much. Since most would watch this title once, or twice (if you're really into it that deep). But since there is a collectors edition of the game, it would presume to be more worthwhile (its really up to the viewer).

Overall - Rent it


After PAX (and hey old friends) ^_^

Where to start... last weekend I attended the Penny Arcade Expo. And not just for the games, but the panels (actually I'm tiering towards a job in the industry). During the days I attended, I had a chance to chat with several of the attendee's at the show. Instead of just general "hey about this game?" more towards "what type of direction?" or "where did you want to go next?" Being amongt other gamers made it even more of a test, since there were so many of us going to and fro throughout the convention halls.

Aside from my general perspective, I met up with friends from awhile back (including Laura Foy) =D "Thug" was her nickname, still is, and also was part of (the show), and other past projects. Felt pretty cool to finally catch up, on the bright side who knows I may get to meet more friends along the way. Speaking of familiar, I had a short chat with Wil Wheaton (I met him before during the recent Seattle Comic Con), Adam Sessler, Morgan Webb, and Daniel Kaiser, and ninja-esque Geoff Keighley.

Plus I met up with members from Destructoid & AllGames (both are quite the party animals). About D-toid, there should be an interview "hey what did you think of PAX this year?" on the site. Might find me on there. And my friends from Allgames, Bobby Blackwolf, Hendrix, Kropotkin, Loserly, Clownotron, Doomplauge (and well I could keep going) =D We pretty much hungout during the livecast shows throughout the weekend. Including some fun moments, when various guests during Bobby's show took a few moments, and had a great time being with us. Quite an honor, and thanks to those who were interviewed during the livecast shows.

Ah, almost forgot the Friday concert... one of the One-Ups gave the AGI crew a teaser of their live show. And they delivered, well 10x more awesome than expoected. Volume 2 of their (2 disc) album is available now! (hey had to help advertise)

I will be sure have my photos up soon. Check it out, leave a comment. =D


Voice of a Prince

Greetings friends, I bring you something special tonight. Earlier today (@ 10am), along with friends I work with on a gaming podcast. We held an interview with Yuri Lowenthal. It was very inspiring to actually admit, after four long years; I had the chance to actually speak with Yuri (it was phenomenal).

At the moment, one of my friends from the podcast is editing the interview for presentation. And will be available tomorrow @ Distributed Failure

Plus be sure to listen to The Bobby Blackwolf Show tomorrow @5pm PST to hear more about the interview, and demo segment. *plus commentary from me =D


Let Me Think About It

Reading between the lines of hype, and over "devastation". I'm not everywhere across the page on titles this year.
Actually, note maybe 3 to 4 at least. Honestly, I'm not interested in everything coming out left and right. Even if I was holding a job, I'd keep my money stowed away for Street Fighter IV. As of late, I've played demos, and rented a few titles (and some received as gifts, which much thanks to my friends out there; you know who you are =D)

Maybe I'm just stuck in a grind, but I'm not feeling excited over this & every title that's been released. It just troubles me about MGS4, as impressive as it is; it would be fun to see it on another system. I bite my tongue every time someone says "it shows the power of the PS3", er right.. and GTA4 is an enveloping world; just the same as MGS4. (just without Gekkos, or Ninjas, or MG's) Even though I rented GTA4, I actually lost interest in the story mode, too much to do; I lost focus and gave up after "Four Leaf Clover". Is it my limit showing? Honestly, tell me, I've been playing Ninja Gaiden II, at Mission 8 on normal difficulty (yeah its kicking my butt).

Devil May Cry 4 really teases the mind, even on a different plane than NG2. I actually found out, that my reaction time is getting way better, and taking down more enemies with flexibility intact. Usually in the harder modes, I would get slashed to bits if I made a wrong move. Guess after all that Hayabusa has taught me... maybe its meant for some use.

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