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NEW COSTUME: Margaery Tyrell from Game of Thrones(S2)

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Welp! It didn't take long for me to deviate from a strictly-video game cosplay blog. Who cares, though, lol. Gamers can appreciate good TV and movies, so meh.

I refused to cosplay Game of Thrones until I was completely in love with a character. I like Dany and Jon Snow of course, but not enough to put forth the effort to make a costume. Fortunately Margaery Tyrell came along in season 2 and I was SOLD! She is witty and cunning and best of all, her character is played by Natalie Dormer, my current favorite actress. The costume was simple to make and was completed in two days! I would still prefer to go back and add textural details to the vest, but for now I am happy with it.

The rest of the photos are very in-character from the series and contain spoilers, so you might want to refrain from seeing them if you are not caught up on Season 2.

Best part of wearing Margaery: getting my cosplay put on I felt so flattered when I got home and was linked to it by friends! I am not sure which of her other outfits I'll make in the future, but I look forward to the new outfits in Season 3 come March 31st of 2013!

Thanks for reading, everyone!