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If You Were a Seven Year Old Girl...

 My daughter turns seven this Wednesday and for the lat year has been asking me for a DS.  Buying her a DS is no problem whatsoever, I can probably even get her a nice little pink one.  Where the problem arises is in which game to get her for it.  As a DS owner myself I have a nice little collection of JRPGs and Mario titles and while I know she will enjoy New Super Mario Bros., I also know I'm not willing to drop another $35 on a title I already own and that she can play.

I'm currently leaning towards Pokemon Soul Silver because I already have Heart Gold and while I don't love (or particularly like) the game, it is something that I feel is simple enough for her to grasp as a video game n00b but also complex enough that I won't be insulting her intelligence by getting it for her.  It would also be a title that the two of us could play together and maybe I will find some reason to actually play it.  However there are a ton of DS titles I probably don't even know about (I'm not the biggest handheld gamer on the planet after all) and that is where you all come in.

If you were a seven year old girl, receiving her very first serious gaming device what game would you want?  Let me know and I'll maybe take your suggestions into account when I take her to buy the DS on Wednesday.