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Games I Like That People Are Ashamed Of Existing.

As I find my visting of Giant Bomb become more and more frequent as this site improves, I've realized that I haven't made an effect to really make anything worth reading during my time here. While trying to think over what video game related topics apply to me, I could only really think of one subject that really describes my entire gaming experience. I've been known to love really, really poorly made games.  The fact of whether or not the quality control of these games was necessarily due to the game developers themselves or time restraints remain irrelevant, as at the end of the day they are still not known to be of highest quality. Nevertheless, these are some of my favorite games for one reason or another and I am happy to display my ignorance of better gaming opportunities when I was younger. The more I find that people would qualify as shameful, I'll add on.

List items

  • No, I never played any Grand Theft Auto game before this game. To this day, I've only played Grand Theft Auto IV and still remember Driv3r as a more fun experience. Being my very first open world game, I disregarded any of the attempt at telling a story and constantly jumped into free mode and wreaked havoc on an imaginary playground. The controls were ridiculous and the graphics were horrendous, but I can still remember this as my first foray into a larger world of gaming environments.

  • The original Knights Of The Old Republic is not only my favorite RPG of all time, it is also one of my favorite games of all time in general. It's important to note that Star Wars was the main cause of me enjoying video games from the beginning of my childhood; my fascination with the original trilogies (and prequels) lead to me loving the continuation of the expanded universe past what my mind had originally conceived possible of a story. Make no mistake, this game still one of the buggiest and poorly polished games I have ever laid my hands on. Each playthrough I've had has consisted of some horribly game-breaking bug that usually delays the inevitable finish by a few weeks when I come back and fall in love with it all over again. The tone this game carried combined with another fantastic story twist has kept my love for this game alive and passionate after years of it abusing my loyalty to it with some of the worst bugs imaginable.

  • While this game doesn't seem to hold public disgust as much as more recent Tony Hawk Games have, no one seems to have as much fondness for it as I do either. What's even more strange is that the skating itself was part of the fun for me, but the story was really what drove me to finish the game not once but multiple times. Admittedly some of the goals and requisites for finishing the game were infuriating to say the least, but by the end of it all I was so charged up by the story influencing me to want to kick Eric Sparrow's ass that I had to finish it with the appropriate flair of a pro skater...whatever that may be.

  • Yes Ryan Davis, I am one of those people. This is and Sonic & Knuckles are both my favorite Sonic games of all time. While it may baffle those who hate this 3D series and they will call me a young fool who just hasn't appreciated Sonic's 2D goodness, I have. I have played many Sonic 2D games and none have given me as much enjoyment as I have rushing through the three dimensional streets of a city as Sonic The Hedgehog. I also got a kick out of the hours of multiplayer enjoyment I sucked out of this with my friends, this game entertained my childhood for hours on end.

  • I don't get a kick out of anime like I used to when I was a kid, the need to talk about what you're doing every five minutes bores the daylights out of me and I don't find myself as animated (see what I did there?) about cartoons fighting each other like I used to. Granted I enjoy a little Full Metal Alchemist here and there, Dragon Ball Z is something I left behind a long time ago. While it existed in my life however, this game reigned supreme as one of my favorite action games on the game boy advance for so long that I ended up completing the main story line at least three times before I finally wished it an unhappy farewell. I held it close to my heart that another game would be made in the same vein as Buu's fury, but those wishes have long died out since.