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@imunbeatable80: No problem man keep at them reviews!

Well in regards to your games list, I was expecting VITA games in your games list but I dont think u have that platform which is all good.

However I don’t necessarily look at the rankings only , but what you said about the game too. And I know our tastes match because you put Mario Rabbids Kingdom battle so high on the list like #11 out of 142 games so I was like yep his taste matches mine as Kingdom battle was such an unexpected game I loved cos I dont like strategy at all. And u also play obscure games which I either have in my library or played such as Erica on PS4 and Manual Samuel on Switch which I bought on a whim. So it feels like a personal list tailored to me haha. And what i like the most a=is as u said its a dynamic live list so it keeps changing and i can discover more games to possibly checkout by first ordering by platform checking out pros and cons u listed and then reading the review before taking the plunge. The rankings make it easy for me to check out the top games of each platform u played according to u. For eg I have a switch but barely used it, so now i can see ur switch platform rankings, pros and cons etc and decide my next game from a person who has similar tastes like me! So i wouldnt say theres a need for change at all, keep doing this it works!

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@imunbeatable80: Completely agreed with every word u wrote. Thankfully what I did instead of replaying the whole 2nd playthrough was I “restarted” from Stage 4, the game lets u do that with your upgrades but it means your lives reset. So I started at 5 lives at Stage 4 to give me some stages to get some lives. And then fought like hell and died twice and by the time I reached stage 6 I had like 12 lives. So even if I didn’t make it through Stage 6 I can click “Continue” and start at Stage 6 again. Which I did and FINALLY beat Stage 6 today. Ofcourse this doesn’t lessen the criticism now that I found a “loophole”. I basically spent all day yesterday trying to beat Stage 6 of this stupid game with 5 lives. And then it hit me, dude i dont think im supposed to beat this stage with 5 lives. When that dawned on me I was so goddamn angry lol. F this game.

Btw the thing you are doing “Greatest games ..” is very interesting and is the reason i am leaving a comment here. Good to see a list from a normal gamer I will definitely use it cheers! Really like ur blog and ur overview of the games in Google sheets too!