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Eternal falling glitch, and how you may very well solve it.

 "So... my Fable game... the one that has 30 HOURS of game play attached to it.... experienced a glitch this afternoon. Can somebody with an Xbox live account and copy of that game bail me out?"    

This is the message my sister posted to facebook the other day. We live a few states apart, but we stay connected through games and the interwebs. So I called up my buddy Dino and borrowed his copy. "Make sure to let me know when you're done with that" he said. "I want to sell it while it has some resale value.  
I called my sis and she said "Okay, play until you get to the sanctuary." It reminded me of the episode of the simpsons. Sanctuary!  I asked her how this crazy glitch happened and she said "I was holding hands with somone in the game". Wait, I said. I'm going to turn on the speakerphone. "I was holding hands with someone in the game and I was walking towards the castle and all of the sudden I was just falling and falling and falling". Ha ha ha ha. 
So I put the disc in. I played for about twenty minutes. Within that time I decided I would probably not be playing much further than the sanctuary. When I finally got there, we joined an xbox party and she told me what to do next. "Walk towards the green fog that looks like the matrix". Okay, I said. Now what ? 
"Open some drawers or try to change your clothes or something". What? "Okay see the stairs? Go up the stairs". Okay, now what "Do you see any more stairs? Go up those and take your first left. It's sad that I know this so well". Yes, it is. But then again I can walk backwards through the first level of Parish in Left 4 Dead 2 so maybe not. "Try to find a way to change your clothes. Open some drawers or a cabinet or something"  Okay.  
"Yes! That did it! Thank you, Thank you!"
I may not be able to change her oil or open a pickle jar from way over here. But it feels nice to be needed. I took the disc out and haven't put it back in since. That game sounds maddening, obviously. 


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Edited By KingHippp0

 "So... my Fable game... the one that has 30 HOURS of game play attached to it.... experienced a glitch this afternoon. Can somebody with an Xbox live account and copy of that game bail me out?"    

This is the message my sister posted to facebook the other day. We live a few states apart, but we stay connected through games and the interwebs. So I called up my buddy Dino and borrowed his copy. "Make sure to let me know when you're done with that" he said. "I want to sell it while it has some resale value.  
I called my sis and she said "Okay, play until you get to the sanctuary." It reminded me of the episode of the simpsons. Sanctuary!  I asked her how this crazy glitch happened and she said "I was holding hands with somone in the game". Wait, I said. I'm going to turn on the speakerphone. "I was holding hands with someone in the game and I was walking towards the castle and all of the sudden I was just falling and falling and falling". Ha ha ha ha. 
So I put the disc in. I played for about twenty minutes. Within that time I decided I would probably not be playing much further than the sanctuary. When I finally got there, we joined an xbox party and she told me what to do next. "Walk towards the green fog that looks like the matrix". Okay, I said. Now what ? 
"Open some drawers or try to change your clothes or something". What? "Okay see the stairs? Go up the stairs". Okay, now what "Do you see any more stairs? Go up those and take your first left. It's sad that I know this so well". Yes, it is. But then again I can walk backwards through the first level of Parish in Left 4 Dead 2 so maybe not. "Try to find a way to change your clothes. Open some drawers or a cabinet or something"  Okay.  
"Yes! That did it! Thank you, Thank you!"
I may not be able to change her oil or open a pickle jar from way over here. But it feels nice to be needed. I took the disc out and haven't put it back in since. That game sounds maddening, obviously. 
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Edited By ryanwho

I just want to find it. Sounds more satisfying than the actual ending.

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Edited By Lev

That's a definite booger, but I do concur with ryanwho - it sounds a lot more interesting than the intended game itself was.
I pity you though because Lionhead has been really adamant about preventing you from having more than one save for your hero - thus if you encounter any of the number of game-breaking glitches: poop - there goes all your progress.
I could respect the desire to keep things to one save IF and ONLY IF Lionhead was competent and released polished titles, but when you ship things in the state they do, prepare to run for the hills!

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Edited By Flaboere

I haven't gotten the game myself, since i'm waitin for the PC release (it WAS supposed to be out at the same time!), but from what Ryan said about Jhonny V's char getting stuck in some kind of endless dimension behind a door?... i mean, how can you make a game, where you literately CAN'T get out of stuff like that! 

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Edited By 137

prepare for the lulz. my girlfriend wrote on my facebook saying "I NEED TO YOU LOOK AT THE XBOX IMMEDIATELY WHEN YOU GET HOME THERES A PROBLEM WITH THE GAME."  
I get home and find this as my girlfriend is 40.9 hours into the game.  

here is the video description from you tube. And yes some nerds do have girlfriends. 

    My girlfriend just got out of the bath and polished off a bottle of wine to calm herself down from having a nerd-veous breakdown. She time traveled to an area in the game, it put her in the sky and autosaved the game. 

To fix it you can either have someone on xbox live call you to a multiplayer game, I hear that works. My girlfriend doesn't have a gold live account. So I saved her game instead of using the auto save, exited the game and loaded it from my save and I was back in the sky, but this time a white looking rectangle was in the sky with me, I tried pointing the joystick at it and it got bigger. 

My girlfriend told me to press A and the next thing you know I'm in a lake, stuck on a rock. But at least I was able to go into my inventory and fast travel out of that stupid lake. 

I don't even want to play this game now. How the hell did you guys fuck up this game when Fable 2 minus the shitty menus was a better game?