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Best of 2010

KittenMitten: Best of 2010

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  • Italy. Stabbing dudes in the neck. Assassin's recruits. Crazy ass story. Also: fantastic multiplayer unlike most of what's out there.

  • So simple, yet so many hours of enjoyment. This game is much more than a Lego set.

  • Who doesn't love rounding up a group of interstellar badasses and taking them on a suicide mission?

  • Massively overlooked. This game did so many things right. Easily the best "sandbox" experience I've had.

  • Yea, it was buggy and came a little too soon after Fallout 3. But knowing that one day soon I will go back and do a proper 100 hour play through is almost as good as knowing Skyrim is coming in a year.

  • Better platforming than anything Nintendo has done recently. Thousands of deaths later I am still trying to 100% this game.

  • Way better than "GTA with horses". John Marston might be my character of the year.

  • This game gave me hope for the future of JRPGs after FFXIII almost squashed it.

  • I think the art might be the best thing about the game, but it is through and through a solid game.

  • It was totally a car crash, right? With the light and the glass. Right?