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So you bought a PSPgo...

     ... and now you may be regretting it? Reading all the negative comments/blogs/posts about the systems lack of a UMD drive? Ignore them. Honestly. If you purchased the system for the express purpose of playing your back catalog of UMD games, that was a mistake. This system is designed for a specific audience in mind and with an understanding of the future of portable gaming.  For me, the PSPgo offers everything I want in a portable gaming system.   
     First off, the size. This thing is perfect in size. It is light weight and quite truthfully not much bigger then my Ipod Touch. This is a key factor for me as I plan on replacing my Ipod Touch with this (as far as an MP3 player goes). This allows me to drop the system in my pocket or a small pocket in my backpack. I can pop my psp out and play for a few minutes in between classes and work (being on campus at my college for about 10 hours a day between work and classes it is nice to take a breather every once in a while). Now of course I could do this with the old psp, as long as I had 5-10 minutes to waste getting ready to play a game. That is no exaggeration, I would have to shuffle through my library of UMDs until I find the one I want to play and then load it in the system and finally boot it up. Now while it can be argued that I would still have to look through a list of games on the XMB, it is much easier to scroll through them then dig around in some carrying case (which I would have to put the UMD in as I would not want to destroy my precise game).  
     As I said this system was designed for a specific group of people. This is not a replacement for the old PSP, this is just another option. This option is expensive though, I am fully understanding of that. However as Sony has said, you pay a premium for this system. The $250 tag comes with some great bullet points:

  • Size, it is a great form factor, designed explicitly for my (and others) personal life style.
  • No need for UMD. With the PSN being updated with PSP games all the time, why need it? Again, if you have a PSP currently... why did you buy a go?
  • Pause. Yes, this is HUGE. The fact that I can play a game, then pause it, load up some music and walk across campus, then (upon getting to class far to early) resume the game is a huge bonus and just sings to the portability the system was made for.
  • 16 gigs of internal memory. Yes this may sound like just a standard feature but honestly this is crucial. I can load up quite a few PSone games and PSP games on just the internal memory alone. The bonus is then expanding that via a card. Of course you can buy a card for your original PSP and enjoy some of the same benefits, however with the built in 16 I can buy another 16 and have 32gb, instead of being forced to buy a 32gb.
     All of these points do nothing to justify buying the system if you have a ton of UMD games and a regular PSP and I would never attempt such a thing. This is a device that is embracing the current generation of "on demand" gamers, and allowing them to be "on demand" on the go. I do not care about sales figures or if the PSPgo is a success or failure. Sony will continue to release PSP and PSone games on the PSN and I will continue to load them up on my PSPgo. Honestly though, isn't playing Resident Evil or Final Fantasy 7 in a large lecture room while your professor drones on about the neo-classical ideals of Shakespeare what gaming is all about?


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Edited By klownboots

     ... and now you may be regretting it? Reading all the negative comments/blogs/posts about the systems lack of a UMD drive? Ignore them. Honestly. If you purchased the system for the express purpose of playing your back catalog of UMD games, that was a mistake. This system is designed for a specific audience in mind and with an understanding of the future of portable gaming.  For me, the PSPgo offers everything I want in a portable gaming system.   
     First off, the size. This thing is perfect in size. It is light weight and quite truthfully not much bigger then my Ipod Touch. This is a key factor for me as I plan on replacing my Ipod Touch with this (as far as an MP3 player goes). This allows me to drop the system in my pocket or a small pocket in my backpack. I can pop my psp out and play for a few minutes in between classes and work (being on campus at my college for about 10 hours a day between work and classes it is nice to take a breather every once in a while). Now of course I could do this with the old psp, as long as I had 5-10 minutes to waste getting ready to play a game. That is no exaggeration, I would have to shuffle through my library of UMDs until I find the one I want to play and then load it in the system and finally boot it up. Now while it can be argued that I would still have to look through a list of games on the XMB, it is much easier to scroll through them then dig around in some carrying case (which I would have to put the UMD in as I would not want to destroy my precise game).  
     As I said this system was designed for a specific group of people. This is not a replacement for the old PSP, this is just another option. This option is expensive though, I am fully understanding of that. However as Sony has said, you pay a premium for this system. The $250 tag comes with some great bullet points:

  • Size, it is a great form factor, designed explicitly for my (and others) personal life style.
  • No need for UMD. With the PSN being updated with PSP games all the time, why need it? Again, if you have a PSP currently... why did you buy a go?
  • Pause. Yes, this is HUGE. The fact that I can play a game, then pause it, load up some music and walk across campus, then (upon getting to class far to early) resume the game is a huge bonus and just sings to the portability the system was made for.
  • 16 gigs of internal memory. Yes this may sound like just a standard feature but honestly this is crucial. I can load up quite a few PSone games and PSP games on just the internal memory alone. The bonus is then expanding that via a card. Of course you can buy a card for your original PSP and enjoy some of the same benefits, however with the built in 16 I can buy another 16 and have 32gb, instead of being forced to buy a 32gb.
     All of these points do nothing to justify buying the system if you have a ton of UMD games and a regular PSP and I would never attempt such a thing. This is a device that is embracing the current generation of "on demand" gamers, and allowing them to be "on demand" on the go. I do not care about sales figures or if the PSPgo is a success or failure. Sony will continue to release PSP and PSone games on the PSN and I will continue to load them up on my PSPgo. Honestly though, isn't playing Resident Evil or Final Fantasy 7 in a large lecture room while your professor drones on about the neo-classical ideals of Shakespeare what gaming is all about?
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I've actually been struggling over whether or not to buy one for the last 18 hours or so. I never had an original PSP, and I made a good sized list of games I want. The problem for me is that I just bought a PS3 a little over a week ago, and to make a $250 purchase, plus a warranty.... well it would significantly cut into my games for the rest of the year money....

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Edited By klownboots

     Yes the price is steep. I was really only able to afford one because I sold back a bunch of my PS3 games that I never play anymore. (in store credt at Hastings). Combined that with my birthday (well timed with the PSPgo release) and bam. To me though, this is more then just games. I listen to music alot. While walking around town, in between classes, you name it. With the PSPgo I can do that, and watch movies and play games. (of course I can do that with my Ipod Touch, but my wife has been stating I am hogging it so...) 
     The biggest thing I would do is look at what you are going to use it for. As I said I will be enjoying the "it does everything" features. Of course I want it for gaming too, but honestly its the PSone (the current released games and the ones to come) that I bought it for. If I were to put together a list of my favorite games of all time, the Playstation would contain the most (this generation is 2nd). Being able to replay those games (which I feel held up better over time than the 16 bit generation) anywhere I want is well worth the price of admission.