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Another year is almost over and people are talking about Game of the Year again, but gaming is more than playing by yourself or with friends. It is also about reviews, discussions, trailers and news. And since this is Giant Bomb, it is about awesome content by The Guys like Quick Looks, TNT, event coverage and features. This is why we would like to gather thoughts and opinions from the community on what the best moments were here at Giant Bomb in 2011.

The categories

  • Quick Look of the Year -- Poll
  • Feature of the Year (Video) -- Poll
  • Review of the Year (Written and Video) -- Poll
  • Event Video of the Year
  • Bombcast of the Year
  • Livestream of the Year (free only)
  • Premium Content of the Year
  • Piece of Content of the Year (POCOTY)

How it works

The winner in each category will be picked in two steps. First the community will propose their nominees in the thread at the top of the General Discussions board. Afterwards the five nominees which got the most votes will be included in a poll which will decide on the winner in the respective category. The overall winner (POCOTY) will be chosen from all the individual category winners in a final poll.

It would be really cool if you shared your thoughts on these categories and participated in the vote. Thanks! <>



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Reviews: 0

User Lists: 0

Edited By kortex
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Another year is almost over and people are talking about Game of the Year again, but gaming is more than playing by yourself or with friends. It is also about reviews, discussions, trailers and news. And since this is Giant Bomb, it is about awesome content by The Guys like Quick Looks, TNT, event coverage and features. This is why we would like to gather thoughts and opinions from the community on what the best moments were here at Giant Bomb in 2011.

The categories

  • Quick Look of the Year -- Poll
  • Feature of the Year (Video) -- Poll
  • Review of the Year (Written and Video) -- Poll
  • Event Video of the Year
  • Bombcast of the Year
  • Livestream of the Year (free only)
  • Premium Content of the Year
  • Piece of Content of the Year (POCOTY)

How it works

The winner in each category will be picked in two steps. First the community will propose their nominees in the thread at the top of the General Discussions board. Afterwards the five nominees which got the most votes will be included in a poll which will decide on the winner in the respective category. The overall winner (POCOTY) will be chosen from all the individual category winners in a final poll.

It would be really cool if you shared your thoughts on these categories and participated in the vote. Thanks! <>