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Day 3 -- Chronicles of Recording: Escape from Not Having An Album


I’ve been up for about an hour, thinking about yesterday. As I went back to work, I made some discoveries about what I wanted to do with the piece “Speak Lightly.” My attempts at percussion initially failed, so I’m trying another approach. What caused this was listening to the work in progress when it was halfway done, and not really liking what I had at the moment. The amount of instruments in the song is slowly increasing, up to three including percussion. I found something I want to use in place of a bass even if I intend to make it essentially do the same thing with effects. But that’s trade secrets right there.

So here’s what’s left for “Speak Lightly:” Drums, bassline, a retake on the melodic component to lower it, a small bridge that I’m not entirely sure what to do with (current idea stands at heavy drumming, mild feedback being distorted, and an expansion on the melody (I’m rough enough with melody that this is a big deal)), and singing. I’m going to have to put singing off as I have some kind of sore throat/cough thing and I don’t want to strain my voice. So right now, the goal will be to get as many instrumental tracks done as possible and save the singing for the last half of this process.

After that, it’s “Right Hand Drive”, which will be easy as hell. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.


My… whatever this is has gotten worse basically immediately. I’m yet to get anything done but spitting up big plugs of phlegm into my toilet. How lovely that I get sick at this time of the year. This is gonna be a hell of a year, between the music I have (I do have other stuff I could record. The only reason I am recording this selection of songs is because they have been made more… immediate.

I got into an argument about advertising while waiting for my chest to stop feeling like it’s on fire, so, instead of reiterate my points, I’m just going to link this:

I started shopping for an Octaver pedal to try to turn one of my guitars into a bass that has actual, solid chords. $30, though. Which I don’t have.

Fuck this fucking chest thing. It makes it impossible to work.


So this is an allergy thing. It’s starting to drive me crazy. Should I start yelling “you will kill me if you put cheese on my food” at the Mexicans? Is that it? Is that the solution? Asking doesn’t work.

I got a tiny amount of work done. I locked everything into a click track, and started equalizing and mixing the instruments I have. I still can’t think/stop coughing long enough to get anything recorded. Hard to keep rhythm when you’re going “HUAARGH” for minutes on end. Medication seems to be failing me today.

If I try it again, I’ll just try to flesh out the two minutes I have. Retakes and basslines and such.

Right now, I'm gonna lay down and be sick.