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GOTY 2012

This is a list of my top 10 games of 2012. notable mentions not included on this list are Max Payne 3, Black ops 2, Dust, Thomas was alone, the darkness 2 and Trails evolution. These are all games I would have no problem putting on my list but some games have to go.

List items

  • The walking dead was a game that made me feel bad through the hard decisions it made me make and even down to the dialogue choices. By the end I found myself picking nothing more and more often because it was easier than anything else. I don't think I've ever become so attached to a character and wanted them to make it through before and I feel like I had real relationships that had their ups and downs throughout the game like I sided with Kenny in the earlier episodes but the longer he was around the more I began to really hate him, I know he turned out all right in the end and he had a hard time but man, fuck kenny. Also to top it off this is a game that I'm not ashamed to say I cried my eyes out at the end which is not an easy thing to do and that's why it takes the top spot on my list.

  • Dishonoured is everything I love, a stealth action game set in a stempunkish world where death isn't the worst thing that can happen to you. Yeah the story might not be the best and the characters so-so but I found an immense amount of pleasure in teleporting right behind a guy, stabbing him and watch him turn to ash all the way up until the end of the game. It helped of course that there was an massive amount of variety to be found in each mission which kept things fresh right up until the end.

  • 343 were faced with a monumental task in carrying the torch of the Halo series forward but they managed to pull it off, with a great campaign and a fresh take on multiplayer that felt like halo. It also helped that the new guns are all extremely satisfying to use namely the SAW and sticky detonator. The way the story ends makes me giddy for what's coming next in the series.

  • Fez is a weird game that is more than it seems at first. I'm sure we all know about the hidden language painted all over the walls but can we just take the time to remin ourselves how crazy that is? now it's no secret that I adore Phil Fish and he said in indie game the movie that he set out to make a world that was a nice place to be and that is my favourite bit about playing the game. The soundtrack compliments the game immensely as you hop around turning the world whilst the birds fly and the cats wonder around and all of this happens whilst I have a great big smile on my face.

  • I love Mass Effect, I love the world, the characters and I love the story. It's always been a series where I take people on missions with me, not because of their abilities, but because I like having them around. As much controversy as there was around the end I thought it was fine and I think bioware should have stuck to their guns and left it how it was. Even if I hated the ending the game would still make the list because almost everything had been improved upon for 2, The combat fells better then ever, mining is a hell of a lot faster and seeing all the loose ends tie up made me feel sad. Overall I had a lot of emotional investment in the game, with Ashley back on my crew who was my original love interest it was clear that I was going to do my best to make sure Shepard ended up with her, that's where he belongs and when Miranda messaged me to meed her on the citadel I literally felt sick in my stomach, turning her away I feel fucking awful but it's what I had to do, it was the right decision for me. It wasn't the easy choice but it was the right one. Mass Effect 3: Giving you valuable life lessons since 2012

  • Spec ops does the difficult thing of unhinging the player, whos in't going to go a little bit crazy after mowing down hundreds of terrorists. It was a good looking, decent playing game that is well worth your time if you want to see games grow up a bit.

  • whilst I'm only 15 or so hours in I feel safe putting this on my list. I've never been one for turn based strategy mainly because I'm not very good at it but xcom did a great job tutorialising me. It's a game I will be playing well into next year and I can't wait to get the alien basterd back for killing vincant 'papa bear' caravella.

  • hotline miami has the same style of punishing difficulty as super meat boy. the top down killing simulator has an awesome sense of style to it and a weird ass story but the objective is always the same, get in, kill everyone, get out. With a decent variety of weapons, a random element and mere milliseconds between dying and starting again hotline miami is so much damn fun to play. Also the soundtrack is the fucking bomb.

  • This game really makes you feel like a ninja witht he tight controls and great visual style it looks and feels great to play.

  • In ftl you will die and die and die and die. I'm fairly confident that I will neve finish ftl but it's so much god damned fun to watch everything go to shit and have your crew get wiped out. It beat all the other games to the last spot because it's the only one left of them where it's fun to loose.