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A New Change?

Does anyone think it is time for Microsoft to make Xbox Live totally free? The PS3 and Wii have free online capabilities(with the PS3's friends list similar to the 360's). For the PS3, the only thing you pay for is the content one would wish to use(such as movies, DLC, etc), which is the same as Live. The Wii is also free(just no downloading music and movies), but you can download games or other features off their online server.

Also, both the PS3 and the Wii allow for the owner to go on the internet. Personally, I thought Microsoft would do something like that first, but even if they did not do that first, they still have not done it yet. I could see them charging for internet usage, but not having it at all by now is quite surprising.

With the rise of Playstation Network members, should Microsoft change their way of Live? Sony and Nintendo do offer some things that would seem so(web capabilities for free). Should they combine Silver and Gold and just have one Liver version? I guess it is what they want to do with it.