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LimpingFish's Computo Obscurio: Old Japanese home computer games!

UPDATE: 14th August. Video now supports a captioned commentary.
What? Another nobody who thinks he can produce interesting, watchable videos?
Maybe! Welcome to LimpingFish's Computo Obscurio, a new video series in which I play old Japanese home computer games, while ignoring the fact that I have almost no understanding of Japanese, for your enjoyment. Some will be interesting, some will be weird (sorry, not that kind of weird, tentacle fans), and some will refuse to boot!
If you've ever had a passing interest in the...

  •  Sharp X68000
  •  MSX and MSX2
  •  NEC PC-88 and PC-98
  •  ETC!

...then this is the video series for you!
Those of us who bore witness to the Playsation age will probably remember Jumping Flash!. Developed by EXACT, Jumping Flash! was a Japanese launch title for Sony's fledgling console, and was a weird hybrid of FPS and platform game. EXACT would follow it up with a sequel, before adapting the formula to fit 1998's Ghost in the Shell, also released on Playstation.
What has all that got to do with Geograph Seal? Well, Geograph Seal was released by EXACT, for the Sharp X68000, roughly one year before the release of Jumping Flash! And, like Jumping Flash!, it's a FPS/Platform hybrid, though with less platforming and more shooting. Regardless, it's a good bet that the design of Geograph Seal directly influenced the design of Jumping Flash!.
No? Fair enough.
In the video below, you can see me play through the opening mission of Geograph Seal, and see me fall at the feet of the first boss. Hooray! Along the way, you should also see a handful of interesting (there's that word again) factoids pop up, thanks to Youtube's notation...thingy.
EDIT: Or you would, if Youtube's annotations would actually work for me. Instead I have added a caption commentary track. 
EDIT: Watch the video in fullscreen 480p for best results!

Look for another Computo Obscurio next week...hopefully!

Your comments are welcome! :D