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Average score of 53 user reviews

In a Years Time 0

 You ever wondered what you could do with a year’s worth of time. How do you interact with friends and family, how do you improve yourself at school or work, and more importantly, how do you make bonds that will never be broken? No, this is not just a philosophical question, but rather the juicy gameplay bits found in Shin Megami Tensei, Persona 4, the latest’s of arguably the greatest RPG to ever grace the Playstation 2. The Persona series has been hallmarked for years, ever since it began on t...

4 out of 4 found this review helpful.

A Minor Experiment 0

 It’s hard to find a fresh concept now a day’s in video games. True, you can rehash Halo until the Spartans come home, but every now and then there is a need for some degree of innovation to come our way. The need for something that is new is always a constant in video games. With that, something that is actually playable to begin with needs to be made too. While games like Dark Void and Brutal Legend are still far off at this point, a game like Prototype has, at the very least, been crea...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A Samurai's Journey 2

  The pastel colored leaves fall weightlessly in the amber sun, as it sets over our world. I travel, back and forth, my swords sheathed, my guard up, as I continue my journey. My journey to find who I am, and why I am pursued. Only my name remains, the rest of me is taken, like the sun from the darkness each night. I am Kisuke. My tale is one of wonder and amazement, one that the artists will remember for it’s color and it’s style. My tale is of the Demon Blade, Muramasa. It was innocent enough...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.

Boulevard of Broken Dreams.... 0

 Remember back in 2005, when the Playstation 2 was still in its prime? The Gamecube was waning in popularity, and X-box 360 was just announced. During the fall of that year, there was really little that was truly memorable for Sony’s system. Then, a lovely surprise came to our retail stores, that game, was Guitar Hero. The game, packaged with a nifty new controller, became an overnight sensation, something not seen since the likes of Pokemon.Now, in 2009, Guitar Hero is a multi-million dollar fr...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

The Thing That Should Not Be..... 2

 Remember back in 2005, when the Playstation 2 was still in its prime? The Gamecube was waning in popularity, and X-box 360 was just announced. During the fall of that year, there was really little that was truly memorable for Sony’s system. Then, a lovely surprise came to our retail stores, that game, was Guitar Hero. The game, packaged with a nifty new controller, became an overnight sensation, something not seen since the likes of Pokemon.Now, in 2009, Guitar Hero is a multi-million dollar...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Your The Best, Around..... 0

  Two years ago, Rock Band in its oversized plastic peripheral glory came to past and rocked the very foundations of the music and rhythm game genre, bringing it to a new level. Since it seems like video game law requires a sequel within a year or two, Rock Band 2 rolls out almost a year later (and a month earlier than the other versions.) on the X-Box 360. While the game is the only thing available in mass (some drum kits and guitars were released.) it is clear that Rock Band 2 is less ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Stupify.... 0

  Rhythm and music games have become the new darling of the Video Game world in the past five years. Thanks to the innovative gameplay of Guitar Hero for the Playstation 2, they have become the hot ticket for mainstream games. Lately, however, there has been a major influx of these games in all forms, literally saturating the market with three different versions of a guitar game on every system. Some try to be innovative with their creations, such as Harmonix and Rock Band, and some attempt inno...

3 out of 4 found this review helpful.

Rock And Roll All Nite..... 0

 It seems like every year there is one game that I can't stop playing over everything else, and it surprises me. I would figure a game like Super Mario Galaxy or Bioshock would hold my attention for months, but some other game does it every time, and yeah it may not be a better game in terms of overall package, but it is damn close. Like Rock Band. For some reason, this ridiculously priced peripheral package is what I do nearly every night. Sure a rented game would take up five days s...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Let the Good Times Roll.... 0

 Thrashers, rejoice! Guitar Hero 3 is finally here! The red hot rhythm game, released first in 2005, has spawned one of the greatest C ults of Personality in video games today. The game was a smash hit on the now ancient PlayStation two, and has spawned an empire where The Metal and the hammer on's rule. Now in the hands of Neversoft, Guitar Hero 3 has graduated from Red Octane's simplistic charms and has upgraded the series without changing much. This is both a good and bad thing for t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Cum On Feel The Noize.... 0

 Guitar Hero is one of those games that almost everyone in the world plays, from the hardcore to the casual to the multi-player enthusiasts. Generation X, Y, and Z, more or less, enjoy rock and roll, from the hard hitting heavy metal, to the soft core light acoustic. Even the biggest fans of Hip Hop and Rap enjoy an occasional rock song once and a while. For years, only a select few could play a guitar, let alone learn how to. Now, with Guitar Hero 2 on it's first foray into the current gen...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

As We Wind on Down The Road..... 0

  You would think that playing musical instruments is an inert talent that someone can posess. Hell, the last instrument I played was my 8th grade big band trumpet, which I still have and break out from time to time for a quick bugle call. Of course, this is a far cry from most's people instruments of choice, the guitar, either acoustic or electric. Until now. Guitar Hero comes from a long list of rhythm games, that span from greats like Amplitude and duds like DDR country Mix,...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

A Lost Opportunity 0

 Since 2004, Lost has been a favorite TV show of mine. A deep, mysterious ensemble piece with top notch acting, interesting storylines, often times frustrating twists and slow, dramatic dialogue always created one of the best shows on TV. It has finally crossed over into the world of popular culture, with ARG’s, action figures, music and, of course, a video game appropriately titled “Lost: Via Domus.” Like most games based on movies and TV shows, “Via Domus” is the type of game that you w...

0 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Defining a Classic 2

  It is hard to look at a game almost eleven years after it's release, and say something new that has not been said already. It is hard even define what makes a game like Ocarina of Time so memorable, so fantastic to gamers and reviewers alike. Not only is this the return of one of the greatest franchises in history, but it  is arguably one of the greatest games ever conceived.   IT is one of the timeless stories ever; rescuing a princess and embarking on an epic quest against the forces of evil...

4 out of 5 found this review helpful.