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Average score of 6 user reviews

Completely bucks the trend for movie licensed games. 0

 "What's this?" I hear you ask. "This guy has actually bought a game based on the Toy Story 3 film? Is he mad? For one, movie licensed games are rubbish and Pixar games have one of the worst reputations..."I hear you. And I agree with you. I found myself saying exactly the same things when I allowed myself to get dragged in to the hype of Pixar's latest masterpiece. Having just come out of the cinema, having seen the excellent film, and immediately popped into my local games shop and picked up T...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

The Halo fan's dream game. 0

2001 - the year console shooters changed forever thanks to a little game called Halo: Combat Evolved.2004 - the year online gaming on consoles exploded with Halo 2's stunning multiplayer.2007 - the year Bungie redefined the word epic, and delivered the complete Halo package with Halo 3.2009 - the year Bungie created one of the most addicting co-op experiences ever in Halo 3: ODST.Now, it's 2010. Halo: Reach is the end of an era; a send-off for one of the most respected FPS developers in the indu...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Bigger? Yep. Better? Yep. More Badass? Definately. 0

Gears of War 2 is one of the most hyped games in the history of gaming. The first game was one of the best third-person shooters around and the sequel promised to be even better. Well, Gears 2 lives up to the hype in pretty much every way - it's simply awesome.Gears 2 picks up a few months after the first game finished with you once again taking control of Marcus Fenix as part of Delta Squad. The story is definately better than that of Gears 1, but it still seems to be trying a bit too hard to m...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

It's absolutely electrifying......sorry. 0

I had never played a game from Sucker Punch before yesterday when I picked up inFamous, but I think I'm quite sure I will be buying all of their future products from now on because I ahd an absolute blast with this game.inFamous is a free-roaming superhero action game, the type of which usually suck. This game is totally original though as you play as a bike messenger named Cole who drops of a package that turns out to be a bomb that destroys most of Empire City (the game's setting). Cole wakes ...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Disappointing omissions beside, better than LEGO Star Wars. 0

LEGO Indiana Jones is the third LEGO game made by UK based Traveller's Tales. After wearing out the Star Wars franchise with three games based on the films, it was time to move on to Lucasfilm's other big film franchise; Indiana Jones. Is it as fun as that galaxy far, far away? Or does it make that galaxy look like nothing?LEGO Indiana Jones follows the events of the original three films; that's right folks, no Crystal Skull here. It's a bit of a shame that the developers didn't go that extra mi...

1 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Finishing the fight lives up to the hype, and then some. 0

Halo 3 is one of the most eagerly anticipated games ever made. The first Halo was a landmark achievement in not just first person shooter, but in gaming as a whole. It had incredible visuals, a great story accompanied by great music and voice work and absolutely perfect shooter gameplay. With so many gameplay innovations; such as the rebounding health meter and the limited weapon carrying it was probably the best console shooter since Goldeneye and probably the best console shooter, along with i...

6 out of 6 found this review helpful.