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Games That I Need to Beat One of These Days...

You ever have that moment in your life when you realized that there are certain games that you have played but have never played to completion. And when you look back at that those games you played, you can't understand why you never beat them. I seem to have a couple of those games that I feel I should list off just to make a pact to myself to somehow finish them before I die...or aliens take me away. Or 2012. You know what I'm saying...but here's the list, starting with number 1

List items

  • Ah, Valkyria Chronicles. I have had you for so damn long, it's a shock that I have not even once beaten you. After all the good things I heard about you and finding myself enjoying the strategy RPG element that you present. So why did I abandon you for months at a time? I just don't understand it. This is probably the one game that I really feel ashamed for not completing and it should be the first one that goes into my PS3.

    I blame school for this one not being beaten but even I'm not sure if that's correct.

  • Okay, I know what you're thinking. Mass Effect? Really? Yeah, I never finished Mass Effect. I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that haven't. I'm also sure that a lot of people will just tell me to play Mass Effect 2 instead, since it seems to be a better game. I can't comment on that just yet, but I do feel I owe it to myself to at least play through it to completion. It's like reading a novel in a series of novels, stopping before the climax even hits and then reading the next book. That's just me, though. But this one sticks in my head a lot.

  • Damn you Persona 3. Damn you for being a great game that I, just like Valkyria Chronicles, had to stop playing for months. I truly love this game and never thought in my life that playing what is essentially a school/relationship sim mixed with very cool RPG elements, would be as addicting as that game is. But you have to work your ass off in that game...if you don't have the right skills, you will go bye-bye very quick. Writing this up makes me realize the pattern of why I haven't beaten any of these games: They are all, basically, RPGs.

    I swear on my life, one of these games will be beaten.

  • Yeah, this one is weird. The story behind this is that when the game came out, I borrowed it off a friend and got as far as Level 10: The Deck before I had to give it back. I never bought it for myself despite numerous opportunities and when I did get a chance to play it, I was too busy cheating and going through all the levels without even playing them, just to see the end. So this one, I really want to complete...legit. I know this game is as ancient as dirt, but I'll feel a sense of wholeness if I can finish it.

  • This one...yeah, let's put it this way. I had this game back when they put it on the Playstation along with that really bad port of Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Chronicles. I got as far as when Cecil became a Paladin but I never finished. There's maybe a reason for that, but I won't get into it. But I was reunited with this game on the DS, and thankfully, I got further past my old spot and slowly working my way towards the End. So this one isn't so bad. Another RPG, mind you, but from what I hear, it's a pretty short one, so it'll probably be this one I beat first.

  • *Gasp* Another RPG? Yeah, yeah. Shut up. This one, I seriously cannot figure out how in the hell I have never finished this game. Out of all of the games, this one baffles the shit out of me. All I know is where I left off in that game was essentially close to the end: The End of the World scenario, where you have to gather all your characters. Never finished it. I'm going to just leave it at that.

  • Finally, a non-RPG game. Yeah, this one is brutal. Seriously mess-with-your-head-and-throw-your-controller-at-your-television brutal. Not complaining, I like a good challenge but you need to be quick and you have to know that you are going to die...a lot in this game. I think I want to beat this one just to see if I crack after completion. Will I become some sort of Zen Master after the end of this? Who knows, but it's worth the trouble, I think.

  • This one I had just purchased not too long ago, so the verdict is in the air on this one. I'm sure I will beat it, but I figured I'd list it just as a reminder that it was waiting for me...patiently.

  • Fuck. If there was one game that I ever purchased, just out of curiosity and word of mouth, and that I needed to beat, it is this mind-implosion of a game. I don't know what the hell was going on in that game when I started it and now, having not played it for a while, the element of the unknown is still eating at me. But damn it if that game didn't have some cool ideas. Yeah, that one needs to get played, rapido.

  • The last game I'll mention. It's Okami. I don't think I have to argue or complain about why I never finish this one. I just need to finish it. Period. Endo Story. Damn it, I hate my life.