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[Difficulty Setting] Halo: Reach

Continuing my gaming diary, this is going to be a short entry written on the go. I'm back to report to you guys that I'm shooting my way through Halo: Reach on Heroic. I'm at the 9th mission and so far the campagin has been a little, let's say, underwhelming. While the story is lame as one would expect from a first-person shooter, I find that the Heroic difficulty provides just enough challenge to make the play-through more entertaining. I notice a true sense of accomplishment after each mission's achievement has popped.

So how was your Halo: Reach play-through?



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Edited By lorijho

Continuing my gaming diary, this is going to be a short entry written on the go. I'm back to report to you guys that I'm shooting my way through Halo: Reach on Heroic. I'm at the 9th mission and so far the campagin has been a little, let's say, underwhelming. While the story is lame as one would expect from a first-person shooter, I find that the Heroic difficulty provides just enough challenge to make the play-through more entertaining. I notice a true sense of accomplishment after each mission's achievement has popped.

So how was your Halo: Reach play-through?