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@luthair said:

@ludovicoheard said:

The difference in tone between Jeff statement and RV’s statement speaks volumes. Literally like Umbridge in Harry Potter.... The daffing thing might have well had said “progress for progress’ sake”

When you choose to leave a company you don’t ‘leave this Friday’ - That twinned with RV’s gleeful statement that they’re “already in talks with new creators from different backgrounds” ... the whole thing saddens me greatly.

Just because they didn't publicly announce their departure doesn't mean it wasn't planned internally. Consider a couple of the GameSpot After Dark crew also left recently, I wouldn't be surprised if RV was looking at making a leaner company and offered severance packages; when that happens it gives people runway if they want to move onto something new.

Apart from Vin, Brad and Alex all roughly saying something along the lines of "I don't know what I'm going to do now... Will have to think"

Jeff had to offer a free month of Premium to everyone because this has been sprung on him and he recognises he won't be able to produce content. A graceful departure offers much more of a transition period.

And if they wanted a leaner outfit they wouldn't announce that they're looking to replace them. (which honestly as they haven't even left yet is gross)

I've seen when people choose to leave GB, this isn't it. Clearly RV want to gut the outfit and rebuild it in their own image, which they have a right to do, but it's still heartbreaking. Why most people are quick to defend this corporation as if they're on Jeff's or The Fan's side seems very naive.

Sure, that just means they don't have something specific lined up. I don't think the free month is due to it being sprung on him (he said on his garage stream its been known for a month), with half the crew their output will be quite a bit lower.

Senior staff are a lot more expensive than junior staff. Severance is a common private equity move to try to change the financials to make the entity more attractive for another buyer.

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@ludovicoheard said:

The difference in tone between Jeff statement and RV’s statement speaks volumes. Literally like Umbridge in Harry Potter.... The daffing thing might have well had said “progress for progress’ sake”

When you choose to leave a company you don’t ‘leave this Friday’ - That twinned with RV’s gleeful statement that they’re “already in talks with new creators from different backgrounds” ... the whole thing saddens me greatly.

Just because they didn't publicly announce their departure doesn't mean it wasn't planned internally. Consider a couple of the GameSpot After Dark crew also left recently, I wouldn't be surprised if RV was looking at making a leaner company and offered severance packages; when that happens it gives people runway if they want to move onto something new.

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I remember when Vinny announced they were looking for someone with a description, then at the end threw in something like "and they have to be super cool".

Then somehow they manage to find someone with a background in improv who fixes her motorcycle in the streets of New York :)

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The black friday prices on the Samsung Oddyssey+ headset tipped me over into buying VR. That said, i'm not sure I will buy Alyx, aside from the original Half-Life the wonky FoV in every Valve first person game has made me feel real sick real fast (read, 10 minutes in the game and I need to go lay down for an hour), combining this with VR seems like a terrible idea.

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The poll is lacking a negative option.

The moment they started showing in-game footage I was skeptical, the TGS footage killed my interest and the experience of GB crew playing buried it.

To me this reminds me of the No Man's Sky hype, it was pretty clear what the game was but people walked into it like lambs to the slaughter.

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@doofcake said:

@luthair: VR needs more than just rotational movement. Your solution only solves rotational movement. Head translation still needs new frames to be rendered and that's where the motion sickness would _heavily_ set in, instantaneously, if there were to be that kind of latency.

You can begin to emulate this with lens effects, zooming the viewport in/out and slightly warping the image (e.g. trapazoids). Recall that we aren't trying to get this perfect, we're trying to trick the brain to until the rendered image catches up. Sure, you won't be able to do this for someone whipping themselves around like a madman, but for typical users, typical games, and normal latency it might be enough.

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@doofcake said:

My biggest concern is availability in my region. Since when is 17 out of 50 European countries "most of Europe"?

That said, Digital Foundry's analysis shows a decent input lag, seemingly not significantly worse than native gameplay with v-sync turned on. Although it was conducted on Google's own network. I'd imagine if they do bring it to my country, the ping shouldn't be too bad though.

VR is completely out of the question. We need less than 20ms latency for VR and you don't even get that with regular flat gaming.

Overall, the input lag will definitely be noticeable to anyone who has played with v-sync off and is sensitive to that kind of stuff and it will affect your experience where input lag matters. But honestly, people will still play competitive games locally. Rocket League, Counter-Strike, DotA, LoL, that kind of games will still be played locally as long as we don't get like 1ms latency streaming, which won't happen any time soon. But for games like Assassin's Creed, the v-sync/streaming level of input latency is almost completely unnoticeable, especially with a gamepad.

This was my initial thought also, but I realized there is a relatively trivial technical solution - just render and transmit a video with a higher resolution larger than the viewport, the headset can immediately move the viewport within the larger area as the user's head starts to move. At that point the only limitation is hardware, they could render the entire sphere around the user and completely eliminate it latency, though obviously bandwidth and resource consumption would be prohibitive.

As a non-game developer it took me about 30-seconds to come up with the idea after originally hearing the VR reference and panning it, so I assume it isn't a novel one to people in the industry.

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@rorie said:
@luthair said:

Are the Chromecast issues ever going to be fixed? Its essentially been unusable for most or all of this year.

I would hazard that the videos are being encoded with a profile or bitrate which isn't compatible.

Let me double-check with my Chromecast tonight to see if I can replicate this. I know for some versions of the Chromecast our 60fps streams and videos can make it chug. The longer-term solution is to auto-detect the device that is being used and serve it a video feed that is of a quality that won't break it but I believe our Akamai work needs to come first.

Supposedly the Chromecast API allows querying the device whether it can play a stream -

The same page also lists the supported profiles, resolutions and framerates supported for the devices. Mine are gen2, I would hazard gen1 and gen2 represent the majority of the market.

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Are the Chromecast issues ever going to be fixed? Its essentially been unusable for most or all of this year.

I would hazard that the videos are being encoded with a profile or bitrate which isn't compatible.