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Favourite 2010 Games

LXM: Best of 2010

A compilation of my favourites from the past year

List items

  • As a standalone game it was excellent but when played in conjunction with the first it becomes spectacular. A compelling story, characters I actually gave a shit about, past decisions altering current storylines and an always present fear that any of your crew could die for good.

  • Completely overlooked by a lot of people, this is one of the best multiplayer (and definitely THE best multiplayer racing) game I've played in a while. It's a shame the online community didn't take off and poor sales pretty much guaranteed no sequel (not to mention the sale/closure of bizarre creations) because this game surprised me with how much fun it was.

  • An excellent expansion to my favourite RTS of all time. It helps that I'm a fan of the 40k universe but Relic has proven time and again that they are masters of taking the RTS genre and turning it upside down for amazing results.

  • When played with friends, BC2 is an incredible experience. Unfortunately the leveling system wasn't more fleshed out as the bulk of unlocks can be obtained quite quickly leaving you to slowly crawl through the remaining empty experience levels. Also, best. sound. ever.

  • Darksiders was basically the perfect mix between god of war and zelda. The combat was slightly more complex than zelda but there was more puzzle solving and open-world goodness than god of war. I also loved the art style which was incredibly unique for a video game. If only that damn portal temple wasn't in there...

  • Aggravating as hell but so fun that I rarely wanted to stop playing. Great sense of humour and soundtrack as well.

  • A simple co-op shooter that required tons of teamwork. Being free certainly didn't hurt but this game was awesome when played with friends. It's only downfall was the small amount of content but for the price it was hard to complain

  • A brilliantly polished and tight game. It's clear a lot of time and money were poured into this game to make it as close to perfect as it could be. My only problem is that this style of RTS just doesn't hold my interest the way it used to but I still spent a whole lot of time working my way up the multiplayer ladders.

  • Completely forgot this came out this year. The atmosphere and just general feeling while playing this game is really unique and helps you to look past the aging engine and less-than-stellar combat in this series.

  • Not a perfect game by any means (the plot is full of holes and acting is spotty) but the uniqueness of the game and the connection I felt with the characters makes me want to include this. Had this game tightened up the plot and had some more consistent acting it would have been much further up the list